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If you're gonna lie and obfuscate, it should at least be a lie that isn't, you know, shameless and blatant.
Actions and not words are what define an individual.Just because he claims to be something doesn't mean he is.Such a childish argument:"if he said so,then he is".Even Putin and Xi don't claim to be commies these days.
How about you explain why I would? You seem to have as firm a grasp on who I am as a person as you do about anything political, so let’s hear your brilliant analysis first :pepeke:
You are a jew,but that doesn't necessarily mean that you are religious or pro-Israel.I'm calling out the hypocrisy of this situation.Israel systematically expels the Palestinians from their land.They don't seem to want non-jews in their illegal occupation.What happened to Palestine is basically what is going on in Europe right now:new population shows up,become a majority and then impose their way of life.
What's funny is that

the leftists will deny any instance of these people doing bad stuff like this

and the right wingers will act the few bad people represent everyone

so just no nuance on ether side as really per usual
they certainly don't represent everyone,but that is not the point.People don't care about the average gay or trans individual.The militants that want man in bathrooms,surgeries for kids,sex talk for kids and other crazy stuff are the problem.
The militants that want man in bathrooms,surgeries for kids,sex talk for kids and other crazy stuff are the problem.

Same goes for the right though
people like fuentas want gay marriage and stuff of that sort to be illgal

there are far left and far right people who are dumb most of it just depends on which sports team you wanna root for

The people to the further extremes are typically the ones with the more large issues
A teacher who did the same thing in my high school wasn’t a trans person (shocker), it was a buff ex-military dude. The type of guy conservatives would probably idolize.
Nobody says right wing or left wing is pure, but its a fact that some people pretend to be trans to creep on the opposite gender/kids, there was a guy who rapped a women and sent to a jail and then said he is a women to be around them again

Same goes for the right though
people like fuentas want gay marriage and stuff of that sort to be illgal

there are far left and far right people who are dumb most of it just depends on which sports team you wanna root for

The people to the further extremes are typically the ones with the more large issues
The problem is left wingers want to mess with RELIGIOUS marriage.They want to force the christian doctrine to change.Gay marriage should be allowed in civil marriage.
Nobody says right wing or left wing is pure, but its a fact that some people pretend to be trans to creep on the opposite gender/kids, there was a guy who rapped a women and sent to a jail and then said he is a women to be around them again
yep,the problem are the heterosexual predators that will use this loophole to molest women.
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Muslims I respect

The kind of Muslims I am not fond of and would like to deport out of my country

This kind of religious view is just sad.Its the middle ages all over again.
Trans people as such are not theh problem. They are human beings and deserve every right.
The problem is the Leftist Cabal using Woke propoganda to poison the minds of innocent kids and destroy their lives.

Wokeism is a tool of Leftist to achieve Depopulation