open Spoilers thread :

Chapter 1082 Title: Go and Take it

*Chapter Cover : Chopper Eating Zeus

• The chapter begind with Sengoku and Tsura discussing about "T-Bone's Death"
• Buggy is in the chapter with Injuries
• Cross Guild is in the Chapter with Mihawk and Crocodile
• Mihawk and Crocodile are talking about the past of Buggy with Shanks
• The Revolutionary Army is in the Chapter including Sabo
• The Revolutionary Army is preparing for an important meeting
• A New girl Member of Revolutionary Army appeared and very pretty
• 2 Page - Tsuru and Sengoku , 8 Pages of Cross Guild and 4 Pages of Revolutionary Army

No Break next week
New pretty Revo girl???
spoilers thanks to Op Scans on discord

Cover Story: Chopper eats Zeus thinking he's a cotton candy
- Mihawk and Crocodile bodied Buggy
- They're discussing about Shanks and Buggy's childhood
- RA killed TBone
- New members of RA is shown
- Sabo is alive (again for the third time)
Tsuru, Sengoku and Tira are discussing about TBone''s death.
Not confirmed that RA killed them