Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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Zoro vs Fuji never made any sense. Fujitora is team
Luffy all the way, I don’t get why people even though this was possible

Zoro will likely fight Adult Sera Mihawk, who will basically be a combination of all his hardest opponents
That's a cope out lol. He already beat King. And he'll beat Mihawk. What's the point in fighting a copy of both when he's beaten both individually?

Bald gorosei ftw
It matters, which is why I think Buggy will end up as the final contender against Luffy while he gets to see the treasure along with Luffy. The title goes to Luffy, but there's a slight possibility that Oda might take a different route.
Buggy will be one of the final contenders thanks to Mihawk and the rest of the ex warlords :goyea:
Notice how he is viewed as Roger by many including fans.

I think he is less hero morale Roger.

Roger despite being viewed as a hero wasn't picking fights with people for no reason. It was said that Roger pretty much didn't care unless you harmed his crewmates. Shanks showcased this personality trait recently in the chapter vs Kidd.

Both Gorosei and Shanks talk about the stability of the world. I think Shanks knows that world can't be filled with only heroes or only villains.

This is why I prefer him to be Luffy's morale fight rather than BB. Blackbeard wants pure evil. Shanks wants to remain stability.

Luffy's view of the perfect free world is retarded, I don't think anyone seriously believes in Luffy's worldview. That is just dumb. You can't have everyone free and doing what they want cause it will lead to chaos anyway.

Stability is a priority.

I think if Shanks vs BB happens, BB will be the first to reach the gates or whatever to Laugh Tale. Shanks will be there but not to find One Piece. I think he doesn't care about that actually, he wants to get there before wrong people go there.
Shanks and government alliance is possible as well. Obviously either Shanks wanted to trick Gorosei by giving them a misinfo, if he didn't give misinfo then he wants to be allied with them at some level.

While BB too wanted to be allied by making Pirate island a legal country, obviously BB won't stop there, he would use his royal status to get more and become king of the world.
Even franky was ready to throw down with a yonko. Meanwhile Migawk is telling buggy hes scared of yonko.

Obviously Mihawk and Croc know something about warfare.

Sun Tsu, The Art of War:

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.​
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.​
What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.​
Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.​
Carefully compare the opposing army with your own, so that you may know where strength is superabundant and where it is deficient.​
The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.​


(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
my fav rocks pirate captain john. hope he gets more time to shine in the upcoming chapters. he was the only one to leave the rocks pirates and not make a family type crew. in fact he was such an ass his crew straight up killed him.
That's a cope out lol. He already beat King. And he'll beat Mihawk. What's the point in fighting a copy of both when he's beaten both individually?

Bald gorosei ftw
It’s not a cope, there’s a reason why Oda created a clone of Mihawk, with lunarian genes with Mr.1’s DF.

he combined all of Zoro’s hardest opponents into one, and also made him a giant. It’s like the ultimate swordsman villain for Zoro
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