Etenboby, also known as The Bride, was on a mission to seek revenge on the Crazy 88 Spoiler Fiends. These ruthless internet trolls were known for constantly pestering her, demanding information about the highly anticipated manga chapter of Juan Peace, a popular manga series that had a huge following. As Etenboby, clad in her iconic yellow jumpsuit, made her way through the dark and dingy alleyways, she could hear the whispers and giggles of the Crazy 88 Spoiler Fiends. They had been relentless in their pursuit of spoilers, constantly bombarding her with messages, comments, and DMs, asking when the next chapter would drop, who would be in it, and begging for any hints, leaks, or teases. With her legendary sword in hand, Etenboby burst into the hideout of the Crazy 88 Spoiler Fiends, ready to put an end to their incessant spoilers-seeking ways. The fiends, numbering in the dozens, surrounded her, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they eagerly demanded information from her. But Etenboby was determined to keep the spoilers under wraps. She swung her sword with precision, slicing through the fiends with lightning-fast moves. Her years of training and experience as an assassin had honed her skills to perfection, and she moved through the crowd of fiends with grace and deadly accuracy.