Break Week Would you let Sanji sleep over your house?

Would you let Sanji sleep over your place?

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Akainu (who has a fetish for pirates instead of protecting civilians),
But you wear the avatar of a dude that kills, pillages and lets his men rape.

w argument !
Honestly I would because I'm not a woman and he would make good food.
If I were a woman I'd probably wake up with nut leaking out of my cheeks.
Sanji is no rapist wtf
This argument is weird because Fishman Island and Punk Hazzard Sanji aren’t even the standard template for Sanjis character. Sanji doesn’t even act like that anymore.
both Sanji and Zoro came out of the timeskip with their negative traits multiplied because they have been separated from the strawhats and endured physical & mental hardships for 2 years.

It’s not a weird argument when it happened And Sanji later tries to peep on the girls in Wano, going invisible in a coed bathroom just to get off
the bathhouse is mixed. He could have been there without the suit. That's the whole gag

Great bait thread from TAC, really rilling up the sanjibros
Nah bait is mid

would you let oda sleep in your house

But vilains in most stories create the plot and shape characters
In One Piece Roger created the plot and Luffy's motivation is not based on based anything related to a villain.

I'm the library.
I'll keep her entertained with my history talks

We both are so into history:myman:
Your expertise lies more im the fake history department, my Aryan-Austronesian-Turkish friend

Pls don't
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both Sanji and Zoro came out of the timeskip with their negative traits multiplied because they have been separated from the strawhats and endured physical & mental hardships for 2 years.
What physical hardships did Sanji endure? He just ran and ran
What mental hardships did Zoro endure? He gets to train with WSS and accompanied by top level girl
Sanji's pervert gag is old manga text book of peeping tom that has been used in manga . Japanese humor is sick and kinda outdated but they find sanji's behavior funny because they are used to these gags.

Anyone found Jiraiya unbearable , ryo saeba in city hunter , old man in renma 1/2 .

I generally thibk its unacceptable but Japanese humour has always been weird and sick and oda is student of watsuki (cough cough maybe someone should google watsuki oda defended this guy )