WINYAGI IS ACTUALLY BACK?! FOR REAL?! SOUND THE ALARMS! PREPARE THE FANFARE! Maybe Kizaru has ACTUALLY arrived at Egghead then!? Naaaaaaah lmao! Maybe Fujitora and Green Bull bounce back hard? LMAO! Seriously though, we've waited SO DAMN LONG for
@EmperorKinyagi to return, im more hyped for that than Kizaru arriving! Kinda!
@Kurozumi Wiwi now you both can finally rant together, just as the way things should be! We missed out on Kinyagis suffering and hype for Odas treatment of the Admirals, Schrodingers Admiral powerscaling!
This calls for a special celebration!:
Maybe one day we'll finally have a Kizaru emote here again too LMAO!
