But Luffy used Gear 5, which Kaido confirmed is a form permanently using Advanced CoA and CoC... So you cant tell weither he was using it or not. True that Oda didnt show it clearly. Gear 5 alone is already a form which absolutely played with a non all out Kaido. So how can one claim Lucci is a joke stength wise when even Kaido was completely ridiculed by Gear 5??

Lucci wasnt fighting all out either. Not a single named attack was used by him. Lucci and Luffy only fought for a few minutes (somewhat equally), also having that equal clash blowing each other away, after that first chapter it wasnt a 1v1 anymore. It was just Lucci trying to kill Sentomaru, and Luffy blind siding him multiple times to stop him.

Everyone who isnt biased could tell how powerful Lucci became. He can give any chracter in the verse a run for his money.
There is not a single panel of kaido stating that gear 5 constantly always uses advanced coc and advanced coa. It was simply him stating that luffy was using those while using gear 5. So that's cap