
I will never forgive Oda
I'm probably gonna get erased for saying this but I will never not be baffled by the fact that someone who says various nsfw things about Toko and the Seraphim is allowed to roam free while I'm constantly heckled, punished, and told to cool down because I get into random arguments
Whenever his posts cross a line and are reported, actions are taken against him. I’m not gonna air out the man’s laundry here, it’s best to put him on ignore if you don’t like his posts.
Whenever his posts cross a line and are reported, actions are taken against him. I’m not gonna air out the man’s laundry here, it’s best to put him on ignore if you don’t like his posts.
If you want to stop the discussion here then I will, no point trying to argue about it if you find it too hard to do basic moderation when a user breaks several rules.
He crossed the line a long time ago, at this point he can't even see the line with how many "jokes" he's made about Toko and how many people he's pinged and harassed and all that jizz.
Ah, but alas, they'll continue to sip while their cup runneth over.
And you lot will keep refilling it time and time again.