One Piece - Chapter 1084: The attempted murder of a Celestial Dragon

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Garp the Fist

Massive set up chapter, shame the breaks have been a nightmare since Golden Week.

The colour page controversy is funny/pathetic in equal measures.

Two minor interesting things about Gandhi. First, I noted a few weeks ago that Gorbachev is usually the central figure in the Gorosei. That’s been moved to Gandhi this week. Potentially so that Gandhi is in prime position to strike next chapter?

And with that, another thing has changed for Gandhi- the sword. Ordinarily his sword is nearly as big as he is, and it’s in a wooden sheath. Here he has a sword through his waist like Zoro usually wears his. Probably just Oda not caring about sizes.

Top marks to Sai, Leo and Mjosgard for hammering Charloss.

Now, Lili and Imu. I’ll not leap on Imu = Op Op immortal Lili yet, but there’s a good shout. Depends on the contents of the D note. The Lili silhouette could easily be a slightly more detailed Imu.

For the actual Imu silhouette- Iβ€˜ve been saying for years that’s a woman, and that frontal view does nothing to change my mind. It’s a dress, a long train and a veil. In the panel where Imu speaks the veil looks very clear.

Next chapter, hope to god Oda decides to continue with the Cobra meeting. My big fear is that Sabo only walks in on the aftermath, gets a brief view of Imu then scarpers, and Oda delays showing Imu for another good while. Would like the mystery to be solved now- it’s been a few years, we’re in the endgame, nothing is really gained from silhoutte Imu while revealed Imu can be characterised. But it is Oda.
2 stars, doesnt bring interesting new info just about some random just inserted queen and EoS villain speaking a name

everyhting else was expected, nothing that couldnt be told before wano act 3
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Good thing in the chapter was CharLOSS taking a beating, hope shirahoshi makes him food for fishes
Last chapter told us the events of the Reverie happened a month ago. Attempting to kill a celestial dragon (chapter title) is a big enough event that could be the incident referenced in chapter 800. But the difference in time means that for it to be the case then either the world has known about it for a month but we haven't really since any other reference to it or that it will be announced now. Either way it seems unlikely at this point for it to be the case but attempting to kill a celestial dragon while under the banner of an emperor should be a huge deal.
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Of course because Nami is final Villain
Or Nami is taken