- Imu is apparently Lili
- A man had his personslity swapped by the ope ope no mi user of the past
- Lili was an evil ruler with an iron fist anda tyrant queen, Imu got punished for eternity by being switched with Lili
- Final panel a woman appears who looks like an evil version of Vivi and orders one of the Gorosei to shoot Cobra eith a gun
- It's not like the nefertari didn't want to become celestial dragons, Imu never allowed them to become after his eternal punishment thanks to Lili
- break 3 months
Bro is a god at that
I stay telling people dude is mad weird

This mf has me on ignore right yet still finds the time to speak on me and even respond to sone shit I say

Bro even followed me to another forum at one point to talk shit and tried to lie about it. Kid is a mad weirdo
Seconded ๐Ÿ’€
Dude is weird af and all over the place

Keeps quoting me with bs all the time