You think you’re a loser when you compare yourself to your brother, right?

You shouldn’t compare yourself to others like that. You’re not them, you’re you. Naturally, you likely have traits and talents that your brother doesn’t have or isn’t as good at. You might not realize it, but there’s more to a person than just their achievements.

I don’t quite understand what the literal definition of a loser is, but I’d say a loser would be someone who doesn’t try to improve, someone who is always just spiraling around in an infinite circle and never trying to break out of it. If there are people who are like this, as long as they can become aware of their shortcomings then they can learn how to break out of that spiral.

If you make an effort to change and develop, you’re not truly a loser. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

Try asking your brother or other people you know questions about what they do and why they do it. If they have a skill in drawing, acting, singing, etc., and you want to be like them, then ask them for some guidance. I think all skills can be learned if you try hard enough.

The fact that you compare him to the likes of Brad Pitt and all those other actors must mean that you admire and respect him a lot. I like that. :yearight:
Watching Kol's stream and he brought up a good point: Why the hell would the Tenryuubito 800 years ago decide that Lily was more important than them when they all fought together? Imu has to be someone that wasnt one of the kings, someone seen as a king of kings but, for some reason, should be kept as a secret. Imu has to be a legit god