Powers & Abilities I Attempt To Predict Gorosei Strength Levels Based On Their IRL Inspirations

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hello everyone,

So I don’t really know what prompted me to make this thread other than sheer curiosity on the Gorosei themselves and what these guys’ ultimate role and place in the OP story/world is. Considering the fact that to the vast majority of the OP world, these guys are considered the five most powerful men in the world, we know virtually know nothing of these guys’ histories and rise to power. I believe that this is partially because Oda wants us to see these guys as heavily analogous to the real world figures that they seem to be drawn based on, and doesn’t want to muddy the analogy by giving these guys fictional histories and stories yet.

That said, I thought I would give my honest shot at trying to predict the power level and strength hierarchy among these guys based on the figures that I believe these guys are based on and how Oda could tie these guys’ irl histories with their manga counterparts.

I also want to say that we are going to be doing some minor diving into irl historical figures, and I myself am no historian. If anyone finds that anything I have posted is incorrect, or if you simply believe you know more about these real world figures than I do, please post it in this thread and maybe together we can all reach some sort of consensus. By no means do I claim to be an expert here, I’m just a dude with an internet connection on vacation lol.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Tall, Blond, and Chad: King George V of the U.K.

That’s right, we’re going to start this thread with my personal favorite Gorosei, and you can’t stop me. From my research, King George V seemed to be a fairly boring monarch, he didn’t do anything offensively awful, nor did he do anything particularly great. Really the only thing that stood out to me in my research was that this guy served 15 years in the British Navy and likely would’ve served for longer if he didn’t find himself the heir to the crown.

Does this mean Oda will make blondy a former Admiral? Just from this guy’s physical appearance it is clear that he is a warrior of some sort, this guy towers above the 10 foot tall Sakazuki, making him absolutely enormous for a human in One Piece.

He is also muscular and bears a battle scar across his neck.

We really don’t know much of the former Admirals in One Piece, prior to the Logia trio the only Admiral we’ve ever heard of was Sengoku 20 years ago and Kong even before that. The non-canon Zephyr was introduced as a former Admiral but even if we include him, that still leaves plenty of room for other former Admirals that we have never heard of. Even before this research, I would think that the Gorosei would have at least one former Admiral amongst their ranks, and if blondy truly is based off George V then it is possible for Oda to give him a background as an Admiral before he became a Gorosei.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He appears to be the youngest Gorosei
2. He is physically quite enormous (the tallest Gorosei?)
3. His historical inspiration has an explicit history as a Navy commander, which could arguably imply that this guy is an ex-Admiral

Points against:
1. N/A?

Verdict: Chad

2. Pinhead Larry: Leopold II of Belgium

Alright so I’m going to try and keep this thread as PG rated as possible, I certainly would not encourage anyone to research Leopold II in Belgium lightly, but to those unfamiliar with this guy: Leopold II was a colonial and imperialist monster who brutalized the Congo for his own personal enrichment and bragging rights among other nations. At a time where Imperialist countries routinely committed atrocities in Africa, Leopold II made even other colonial monarchs blush, and I’ll leave it at that.

As to how this relates to this thread, interestingly Leopold II did not have any sort of military background so this guy, while enormous himself, may not be one of the stronger Gorosei in comparison to all the others who had military backgrounds or careers.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He is enormous

Points against:
1. Seemingly based on a real-world figure with no military or combat background

Verdict: Who you callin pinhead?

3. Ghandi: Hideki Tojo of Japan

Alright so this guy is commonly known as the “Ghandi Gorosei” by the OP fandom, but long-story short there is almost (imo) a zero percent chance this Gorosei is based on Ghandi. Ghandi was a nonviolent protester who protested against British tyranny in India. That to me hardly sounds like the basis for a character who is one of the five rulers of an ultra-oppressive world power Government.

No, it is much more likely that this Gorosei is intended to be based on Hideki Tojo who was a Japanese general and the Prime Minister of Japan during World War II. Hideki Tojo was responsible for some of Imperial Japan’s worst crimes before he was removed from power upon Japan’s defeat, including the infamous Nanjing incident and other atrocities.

So honestly, I’m not sure how this could translate into One Piece. One may be inclined to think of Ghandi as an obvious candidate for a former Admiral, but I’m not so sure. The Japanese imagery with this guy should be obvious, but One Piece’s Japanese equivalent is Wano and it makes zero sense for this guy to be from Wano so far as we know. George V was explicitly a Naval commander for 15 years, but Tojo was a General and thus not explicitly linked to the Japanese Navy. I’m honestly not sure why Oda drew a Gorosei who would seem to be heavily Japanese but then make it virtually impossible for a Celestial Dragon to have real ties to Wano.

I know this series is aimed at a Japanese audience and sometimes Oda draws clearly Japanese characters like Fujitora who don’t have any known ties to Wano but…idk. It would seem to me that a Gorosei so clearly Japanese in design would have more thought put into that design other than Oda being like “I just did it because” lol.

Either way, what cannot be denied is that Hideki Tojo rose to power explicitly through his military career and is known primarily as a military figure.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Based off a historical figure who rose to power exclusively for his military acumen
2. Still carries a fucking weapon

Points against:
1. N/A?
2. Older
3. Short by Gorosei standards (shortest Gorosei?)

Verdict: ZKK

4. Whitebeard’s Father: Stalin and Gorbachev of the Soviet Union

Alright so this guy appears to be based off of two different historical leaders. Stalin was viewed as a war hero before becoming the leader of the Soviets, but Gorbachev has no military background at all.

From this, I think we can assume that Whitebeard’s dad probably performed some kind of military service in his youth but came to power pretty quickly and thus retired as a fighter when he was fairly young. There is really no indication that this guy is really a fighter at all other than the fact that he is probably physically quite large, but he appears slumped over most of the time and appears quite old.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Stalin was viewed as a war hero in his youth

Points against:
1. Older
2. Appears slumped over, possibly slightly overweight

Verdict: Moustache King

5. Jaygarcia Saturn: Giuseppe Garibaldi of Italy

The only named Gorosei that we know is also perhaps the only Gorosei based off of a relatively benevolent irl figure. Garibaldi is largely viewed in a positive light by historians and Italians as far as I can tell. Garibaldi is also viewed as a war-hero, Italian unifier, and one of the greatest generals of the modern era. This guy was stacking up military victories left and right while he was alive.

This all bodes quite well for our friend Jaygarcia, we have another character who could have a heavy military history, perhaps a former high-ranking Marine himself.

However, Saturn also appears quite old and walks around on a cane. Now sure, Saturn could pull a Yoda and drop that cane to start flipping around like a schizoid maniac, but I generally like to believe that Oda is a writer with more nuance than George Lucas’ stupid ass, and that Saturn, while probably still quite strong himself, is probably not going to be stronger than his contemporaries given his advanced age and seeming physical handicap.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Garibaldi is a military genius

Points against:
1. Old
2. Seemingly handicapped

Verdict: Don’t make me put this walker down


And thus, my extremely academic and completely unbiased analysis has concluded. I hear by grant the Gorosei a tentative predictory strength ranking:

1. Tall, blonde, and Chad
2. The Ghandi who is not actually Ghandi
3. Jaygarcia Saturn
4. Pinhead Larry
5. Whitebeard Senior

Please post your own Gorosei strength rankings and reasonings (as if that’s never been done before)…

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @SakazOuki @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @Extravlad @kurwa @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @EmperorKinyagi etc etc etc
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I am convinced that Doffy’s reign over Dressrosa is a parallel/metaphor for the IM’s reign over the world with both controlling the populace by suppressing the truth.

We also have this:

So I imagine the strength hierarchy will be analogous to Doflamingo’s based on their position.

The center is the strongest: Whitebeard’s Dad

The two immediately flanking are the next strongest:
Samurai Ghandai and St. Saturn

And the outer two members are the weakest:
Pinhead Larry and Sanji’s real dad (sorry Lee)

1. Whitebeard’s Dad
2/3. Samurai Ghandi/Saturn
4/5. Pinhead Larry/Sanji’s real dad


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Hello everyone,

So I don’t really know what prompted me to make this thread other than sheer curiosity on the Gorosei themselves and what these guys’ ultimate role and place in the OP story/world is. Considering the fact that to the vast majority of the OP world, these guys are considered the five most powerful men in the world, we know virtually know nothing of these guys’ histories and rise to power. I believe that this is partially because Oda wants us to see these guys as heavily analogous to the real world figures that they seem to be drawn based on, and doesn’t want to muddy the analogy by giving these guys fictional histories and stories yet.

That said, I thought I would give my honest shot at trying to predict the power level and strength hierarchy among these guys based on the figures that I believe these guys are based on and how Oda could tie these guys’ irl histories with their manga counterparts.

I also want to say that we are going to be doing some minor diving into irl historical figures, and I myself am no historian. If anyone finds that anything I have posted is incorrect, or if you simply believe you know more about these real world figures than I do, please post it in this thread and maybe together we can all reach some sort of consensus. By no means do I claim to be an expert here, I’m just a dude with an internet connection on vacation lol.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Tall, Blond, and Chad: King George V of the U.K.

That’s right, we’re going to start this thread with my personal favorite Gorosei, and you can’t stop me. From my research, King George V seemed to be a fairly boring monarch, he didn’t do anything offensively awful, nor did he do anything particularly great. Really the only thing that stood out to me in my research was that this guy served 15 years in the British Navy and likely would’ve served for longer if he didn’t find himself the heir to the crown.

Does this mean Oda will make blondy a former Admiral? Just from this guy’s physical appearance it is clear that he is a warrior of some sort, this guy towers above the 10 foot tall Sakazuki, making him absolutely enormous for a human in One Piece.

He is also muscular and bears a battle scar across his neck.

We really don’t know much of the former Admirals in One Piece, prior to the Logia trio the only Admiral we’ve ever heard of was Sengoku 20 years ago and Kong even before that. The non-canon Zephyr was introduced as a former Admiral but even if we include him, that still leaves plenty of room for other former Admirals that we have never heard of. Even before this research, I would think that the Gorosei would have at least one former Admiral amongst their ranks, and if blondy truly is based off George V then it is possible for Oda to give him a background as an Admiral before he became a Gorosei.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He appears to be the youngest Gorosei
2. He is physically quite enormous (the tallest Gorosei?)
3. His historical inspiration has an explicit history as a Navy commander, which could arguably imply that this guy is an ex-Admiral

Points against:
1. N/A?

Verdict: Chad

2. Pinhead Larry: Leopold II of Belgium

Alright so I’m going to try and keep this thread as PG rated as possible, I certainly would not encourage anyone to research Leopold II in Belgium lightly, but to those unfamiliar with this guy: Leopold II was a colonial and imperialist monster who brutalized the Congo for his own personal enrichment and bragging rights among other nations. At a time where Imperialist countries routinely committed atrocities in Africa, Leopold II made even other colonial monarchs blush, and I’ll leave it at that.

As to how this relates to this thread, interestingly Leopold II did not have any sort of military background so this guy, while enormous himself, may not be one of the stronger Gorosei in comparison to all the others who had military backgrounds or careers.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He is enormous

Points against:
1. Seemingly based on a real-world figure with no military or combat background

Verdict: Who you callin pinhead?

3. Ghandi: Hideki Tojo of Japan

Alright so this guy is commonly known as the “Ghandi Gorosei” by the OP fandom, but long-story short there is almost (imo) a zero percent chance this Gorosei is based on Ghandi. Ghandi was a nonviolent protester who protested against British tyranny in India. That to me hardly sounds like the basis for a character who is one of the five rulers of an ultra-oppressive world power Government.

No, it is much more likely that this Gorosei is intended to be based on Hideki Tojo who was a Japanese general and the Prime Minister of Japan during World War II. Hideki Tojo was responsible for some of Imperial Japan’s worst crimes before he was removed from power upon Japan’s defeat, including the infamous Nanjing incident and other atrocities.

So honestly, I’m not sure how this could translate into One Piece. One may be inclined to think of Ghandi as an obvious candidate for a former Admiral, but I’m not so sure. The Japanese imagery with this guy should be obvious, but One Piece’s Japanese equivalent is Wano and it makes zero sense for this guy to be from Wano so far as we know. George V was explicitly a Naval commander for 15 years, but Tojo was a General and thus not explicitly linked to the Japanese Navy. I’m honestly not sure why Oda drew a Gorosei who would seem to be heavily Japanese but then make it virtually impossible for a Celestial Dragon to have real ties to Wano.

I know this series is aimed at a Japanese audience and sometimes Oda draws clearly Japanese characters like Fujitora who don’t have any known ties to Wano but…idk. It would seem to me that a Gorosei so clearly Japanese in design would have more thought put into that design other than Oda being like “I just did it because” lol.

Either way, what cannot be denied is that Hideki Tojo rose to power explicitly through his military career and is known primarily as a military figure.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Based off a historical figure who rose to power exclusively for his military acumen
2. Still carries a fucking weapon

Points against:
1. N/A?
2. Older
3. Short by Gorosei standards (shortest Gorosei?)

Verdict: ZKK

4. Whitebeard’s Father: Stalin and Gorbachev of the Soviet Union

Alright so this guy appears to be based off of two different historical leaders. Stalin was viewed as a war hero before becoming the leader of the Soviets, but Gorbachev has no military background at all.

From this, I think we can assume that Whitebeard’s dad probably performed some kind of military service in his youth but came to power pretty quickly and thus retired as a fighter when he was fairly young. There is really no indication that this guy is really a fighter at all other than the fact that he is probably physically quite large, but he appears slumped over most of the time and appears quite old.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Stalin was viewed as a war hero in his youth

Points against:
1. Older
2. Appears slumped over, possibly slightly overweight

Verdict: Moustache King

5. Jaygarcia Saturn: Giuseppi Garibaldi of Italy

The only named Gorosei that we know is also perhaps the only Gorosei based off of a relatively benevolent irl figure. Garibaldi is largely viewed in a positive light by historians and Italians as far as I can tell. Garibaldi is also viewed as a war-hero, Italian unifier, and one of the greatest generals of the modern era. This guy was stacking up military victories left and right while he was alive.

This all bodes quite well for our friend Jaygarcia, we have another character who could have a heavy military history, perhaps a former high-ranking Marine himself.

However, Saturn also appears quite old and walks around on a cane. Now sure, Saturn could pull a Yoda and drop that cane to start flipping around like a schizoid maniac, but I generally like to believe that Oda is a writer with more nuance than George Lucas’ stupid ass, and that Saturn, while probably still quite strong himself, is probably not going to be stronger than his contemporaries given his advanced age and seeming physical handicap.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Garibaldi is a military genius

Points against:
1. Old
2. Seemingly handicapped

Verdict: Don’t make me put this walker down


And thus, my extremely academic and completely unbiased analysis has concluded. I hear by grant the Gorosei a tentative predictory strength ranking:

1. Tall, blonde, and Chad
2. The Ghandi who is not actually Ghandi
3. Jaygarcia Saturn
4. Pinhead Larry
5. Whitebeard Senior

Please post your own Gorosei strength rankings and reasonings (as if that’s never been done before)…

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @SakazOuki @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @Extravlad @kurwa @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @EmperorKinyagi etc etc etc
Good thread, has some nice speculation even though we hardly have any information.

If I would have to estimate.

1. Whitebeard Senior. Probably a hot take, but he seems like he's the most prominent of the Gorosei, like he's the leader, and I just presumed he'd be the strongest.
2. Ghandi but not actually Ghandi. The fact that he's the only Gorosei who's been drawn holding a weapon makes me think he'll be one of the powerhouses of the group. The fact that it's all but confirmed to be one of the 4 known supreme blades just makes me estimate he'll be among the strongest.
3. Tall Blonde Chad. Pretty much for all of the reasons you mentioned.
4. Pinhead. I got the impression from him that he didn't fight that much in his youth. He has a pretty scrawny looking build. Just speculating tho lol.
5. Saturn. Saturn is the oldest looking, and looks the frailest because of his cane. He also might be in danger of being the first Gorosei who's defeated. All of these things give me the impression he's the weakest. I don't expect him to be a slouch, he clearly can fight, and Oda respects old fighters.
Post automatically merged:

I think Pinhead was the Gorosei who was shown the most in Robin's flashback. Just thought that was worth noting
Haven’t enjoyed a thread like this in a while
Good stuff

Given that the first introduced Gorosei name is based off a planet, I want to assume the rest are as well. And given there are ancient weapons names after Planets ( Pluton, Uranus, Poseidon/Neptune), I think the Gorosei will carry with them devastating power. Oda seems the type to give them clout and power through proxy military experience at a high command position in the Navy
Solid thread. I think their irl inspirations will have some relation to their personality akin to the admirals, and at most the division of responsibilities between each other. But outside of that, I don't see it being much bearing on things like powerlevel & role.

They imo were just meant to mirror Dragon who's sort of a combination of various revolutionaries in history all shoved into one.

1. Whitebeard Senior. Probably a hot take, but he seems like he's the most prominent of the Gorosei, like he's the leader, and I just presumed he'd be the strongest.
Honestly Mars always reminds me of Luffy ngl. The oval face and all that jazz.

Formerly Seth

Hello everyone,

So I don’t really know what prompted me to make this thread other than sheer curiosity on the Gorosei themselves and what these guys’ ultimate role and place in the OP story/world is. Considering the fact that to the vast majority of the OP world, these guys are considered the five most powerful men in the world, we know virtually know nothing of these guys’ histories and rise to power. I believe that this is partially because Oda wants us to see these guys as heavily analogous to the real world figures that they seem to be drawn based on, and doesn’t want to muddy the analogy by giving these guys fictional histories and stories yet.

That said, I thought I would give my honest shot at trying to predict the power level and strength hierarchy among these guys based on the figures that I believe these guys are based on and how Oda could tie these guys’ irl histories with their manga counterparts.

I also want to say that we are going to be doing some minor diving into irl historical figures, and I myself am no historian. If anyone finds that anything I have posted is incorrect, or if you simply believe you know more about these real world figures than I do, please post it in this thread and maybe together we can all reach some sort of consensus. By no means do I claim to be an expert here, I’m just a dude with an internet connection on vacation lol.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Tall, Blond, and Chad: King George V of the U.K.

That’s right, we’re going to start this thread with my personal favorite Gorosei, and you can’t stop me. From my research, King George V seemed to be a fairly boring monarch, he didn’t do anything offensively awful, nor did he do anything particularly great. Really the only thing that stood out to me in my research was that this guy served 15 years in the British Navy and likely would’ve served for longer if he didn’t find himself the heir to the crown.

Does this mean Oda will make blondy a former Admiral? Just from this guy’s physical appearance it is clear that he is a warrior of some sort, this guy towers above the 10 foot tall Sakazuki, making him absolutely enormous for a human in One Piece.

He is also muscular and bears a battle scar across his neck.

We really don’t know much of the former Admirals in One Piece, prior to the Logia trio the only Admiral we’ve ever heard of was Sengoku 20 years ago and Kong even before that. The non-canon Zephyr was introduced as a former Admiral but even if we include him, that still leaves plenty of room for other former Admirals that we have never heard of. Even before this research, I would think that the Gorosei would have at least one former Admiral amongst their ranks, and if blondy truly is based off George V then it is possible for Oda to give him a background as an Admiral before he became a Gorosei.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He appears to be the youngest Gorosei
2. He is physically quite enormous (the tallest Gorosei?)
3. His historical inspiration has an explicit history as a Navy commander, which could arguably imply that this guy is an ex-Admiral

Points against:
1. N/A?

Verdict: Chad

2. Pinhead Larry: Leopold II of Belgium

Alright so I’m going to try and keep this thread as PG rated as possible, I certainly would not encourage anyone to research Leopold II in Belgium lightly, but to those unfamiliar with this guy: Leopold II was a colonial and imperialist monster who brutalized the Congo for his own personal enrichment and bragging rights among other nations. At a time where Imperialist countries routinely committed atrocities in Africa, Leopold II made even other colonial monarchs blush, and I’ll leave it at that.

As to how this relates to this thread, interestingly Leopold II did not have any sort of military background so this guy, while enormous himself, may not be one of the stronger Gorosei in comparison to all the others who had military backgrounds or careers.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He is enormous

Points against:
1. Seemingly based on a real-world figure with no military or combat background

Verdict: Who you callin pinhead?

3. Ghandi: Hideki Tojo of Japan

Alright so this guy is commonly known as the “Ghandi Gorosei” by the OP fandom, but long-story short there is almost (imo) a zero percent chance this Gorosei is based on Ghandi. Ghandi was a nonviolent protester who protested against British tyranny in India. That to me hardly sounds like the basis for a character who is one of the five rulers of an ultra-oppressive world power Government.

No, it is much more likely that this Gorosei is intended to be based on Hideki Tojo who was a Japanese general and the Prime Minister of Japan during World War II. Hideki Tojo was responsible for some of Imperial Japan’s worst crimes before he was removed from power upon Japan’s defeat, including the infamous Nanjing incident and other atrocities.

So honestly, I’m not sure how this could translate into One Piece. One may be inclined to think of Ghandi as an obvious candidate for a former Admiral, but I’m not so sure. The Japanese imagery with this guy should be obvious, but One Piece’s Japanese equivalent is Wano and it makes zero sense for this guy to be from Wano so far as we know. George V was explicitly a Naval commander for 15 years, but Tojo was a General and thus not explicitly linked to the Japanese Navy. I’m honestly not sure why Oda drew a Gorosei who would seem to be heavily Japanese but then make it virtually impossible for a Celestial Dragon to have real ties to Wano.

I know this series is aimed at a Japanese audience and sometimes Oda draws clearly Japanese characters like Fujitora who don’t have any known ties to Wano but…idk. It would seem to me that a Gorosei so clearly Japanese in design would have more thought put into that design other than Oda being like “I just did it because” lol.

Either way, what cannot be denied is that Hideki Tojo rose to power explicitly through his military career and is known primarily as a military figure.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Based off a historical figure who rose to power exclusively for his military acumen
2. Still carries a fucking weapon

Points against:
1. N/A?
2. Older
3. Short by Gorosei standards (shortest Gorosei?)

Verdict: ZKK

4. Whitebeard’s Father: Stalin and Gorbachev of the Soviet Union

Alright so this guy appears to be based off of two different historical leaders. Stalin was viewed as a war hero before becoming the leader of the Soviets, but Gorbachev has no military background at all.

From this, I think we can assume that Whitebeard’s dad probably performed some kind of military service in his youth but came to power pretty quickly and thus retired as a fighter when he was fairly young. There is really no indication that this guy is really a fighter at all other than the fact that he is probably physically quite large, but he appears slumped over most of the time and appears quite old.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Stalin was viewed as a war hero in his youth

Points against:
1. Older
2. Appears slumped over, possibly slightly overweight

Verdict: Moustache King

5. Jaygarcia Saturn: Giuseppi Garibaldi of Italy

The only named Gorosei that we know is also perhaps the only Gorosei based off of a relatively benevolent irl figure. Garibaldi is largely viewed in a positive light by historians and Italians as far as I can tell. Garibaldi is also viewed as a war-hero, Italian unifier, and one of the greatest generals of the modern era. This guy was stacking up military victories left and right while he was alive.

This all bodes quite well for our friend Jaygarcia, we have another character who could have a heavy military history, perhaps a former high-ranking Marine himself.

However, Saturn also appears quite old and walks around on a cane. Now sure, Saturn could pull a Yoda and drop that cane to start flipping around like a schizoid maniac, but I generally like to believe that Oda is a writer with more nuance than George Lucas’ stupid ass, and that Saturn, while probably still quite strong himself, is probably not going to be stronger than his contemporaries given his advanced age and seeming physical handicap.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Garibaldi is a military genius

Points against:
1. Old
2. Seemingly handicapped

Verdict: Don’t make me put this walker down


And thus, my extremely academic and completely unbiased analysis has concluded. I hear by grant the Gorosei a tentative predictory strength ranking:

1. Tall, blonde, and Chad
2. The Ghandi who is not actually Ghandi
3. Jaygarcia Saturn
4. Pinhead Larry
5. Whitebeard Senior

Please post your own Gorosei strength rankings and reasonings (as if that’s never been done before)…

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @SakazOuki @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @Extravlad @kurwa @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @EmperorKinyagi etc etc etc
I won't be mad if they are strong. Although I would prefer if Oda stays consistent with his writing at least for this shit and Admirals remain as the "Strongest Fighting Force" of the World Government.

If he said that shit and now he will start spawning Admiral+ level characters this will be just bad writing and annoying.

I say this.

All Gorosei members are above Commanders but they can't beat healthy prime Admirals. That would be the most fair conclusion.
Admirals remain as the "Strongest Fighting Force" of the World Government.
Seth, You know that is specifically about the position of the 3 admirals yes?

Meaning Akainu right now is no longer considered part of the strongest fighting force.

So would it be bad writing if Akainu is above Fuji, Kizaru, GB the strongest fighting force of the Marines as stated post-TS?

Formerly Seth

Seth, You know that is specifically about the position of the 3 admirals yes?

Meaning Akainu right now is no longer considered part of the strongest fighting force.

So would it be bad writing if Akainu is above Fuji, Kizaru, GB the strongest fighting force of the Marines as stated post-TS?
Well, Akainu beat another Admiral for it in a huge battle.

For example, I doubt Sengoku was above Garp or OG Trio.
Seth, You know that is specifically about the position of the 3 admirals yes?

Meaning Akainu right now is no longer considered part of the strongest fighting force.

So would it be bad writing if Akainu is above Fuji, Kizaru, GB the strongest fighting force of the Marines as stated post-TS?
But even if Akainu, who was an admiral, > an Admiral, Admirals as a group >> GA, so it will be true even then.

So even in the worst-case scenario, Admirals as a group of 3 > Gorosei as a group of 5.
Hello everyone,

So I don’t really know what prompted me to make this thread other than sheer curiosity on the Gorosei themselves and what these guys’ ultimate role and place in the OP story/world is. Considering the fact that to the vast majority of the OP world, these guys are considered the five most powerful men in the world, we know virtually know nothing of these guys’ histories and rise to power. I believe that this is partially because Oda wants us to see these guys as heavily analogous to the real world figures that they seem to be drawn based on, and doesn’t want to muddy the analogy by giving these guys fictional histories and stories yet.

That said, I thought I would give my honest shot at trying to predict the power level and strength hierarchy among these guys based on the figures that I believe these guys are based on and how Oda could tie these guys’ irl histories with their manga counterparts.

I also want to say that we are going to be doing some minor diving into irl historical figures, and I myself am no historian. If anyone finds that anything I have posted is incorrect, or if you simply believe you know more about these real world figures than I do, please post it in this thread and maybe together we can all reach some sort of consensus. By no means do I claim to be an expert here, I’m just a dude with an internet connection on vacation lol.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Tall, Blond, and Chad: King George V of the U.K.

That’s right, we’re going to start this thread with my personal favorite Gorosei, and you can’t stop me. From my research, King George V seemed to be a fairly boring monarch, he didn’t do anything offensively awful, nor did he do anything particularly great. Really the only thing that stood out to me in my research was that this guy served 15 years in the British Navy and likely would’ve served for longer if he didn’t find himself the heir to the crown.

Does this mean Oda will make blondy a former Admiral? Just from this guy’s physical appearance it is clear that he is a warrior of some sort, this guy towers above the 10 foot tall Sakazuki, making him absolutely enormous for a human in One Piece.

He is also muscular and bears a battle scar across his neck.

We really don’t know much of the former Admirals in One Piece, prior to the Logia trio the only Admiral we’ve ever heard of was Sengoku 20 years ago and Kong even before that. The non-canon Zephyr was introduced as a former Admiral but even if we include him, that still leaves plenty of room for other former Admirals that we have never heard of. Even before this research, I would think that the Gorosei would have at least one former Admiral amongst their ranks, and if blondy truly is based off George V then it is possible for Oda to give him a background as an Admiral before he became a Gorosei.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He appears to be the youngest Gorosei
2. He is physically quite enormous (the tallest Gorosei?)
3. His historical inspiration has an explicit history as a Navy commander, which could arguably imply that this guy is an ex-Admiral

Points against:
1. N/A?

Verdict: Chad

2. Pinhead Larry: Leopold II of Belgium

Alright so I’m going to try and keep this thread as PG rated as possible, I certainly would not encourage anyone to research Leopold II in Belgium lightly, but to those unfamiliar with this guy: Leopold II was a colonial and imperialist monster who brutalized the Congo for his own personal enrichment and bragging rights among other nations. At a time where Imperialist countries routinely committed atrocities in Africa, Leopold II made even other colonial monarchs blush, and I’ll leave it at that.

As to how this relates to this thread, interestingly Leopold II did not have any sort of military background so this guy, while enormous himself, may not be one of the stronger Gorosei in comparison to all the others who had military backgrounds or careers.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. He is enormous

Points against:
1. Seemingly based on a real-world figure with no military or combat background

Verdict: Who you callin pinhead?

3. Ghandi: Hideki Tojo of Japan

Alright so this guy is commonly known as the “Ghandi Gorosei” by the OP fandom, but long-story short there is almost (imo) a zero percent chance this Gorosei is based on Ghandi. Ghandi was a nonviolent protester who protested against British tyranny in India. That to me hardly sounds like the basis for a character who is one of the five rulers of an ultra-oppressive world power Government.

No, it is much more likely that this Gorosei is intended to be based on Hideki Tojo who was a Japanese general and the Prime Minister of Japan during World War II. Hideki Tojo was responsible for some of Imperial Japan’s worst crimes before he was removed from power upon Japan’s defeat, including the infamous Nanjing incident and other atrocities.

So honestly, I’m not sure how this could translate into One Piece. One may be inclined to think of Ghandi as an obvious candidate for a former Admiral, but I’m not so sure. The Japanese imagery with this guy should be obvious, but One Piece’s Japanese equivalent is Wano and it makes zero sense for this guy to be from Wano so far as we know. George V was explicitly a Naval commander for 15 years, but Tojo was a General and thus not explicitly linked to the Japanese Navy. I’m honestly not sure why Oda drew a Gorosei who would seem to be heavily Japanese but then make it virtually impossible for a Celestial Dragon to have real ties to Wano.

I know this series is aimed at a Japanese audience and sometimes Oda draws clearly Japanese characters like Fujitora who don’t have any known ties to Wano but…idk. It would seem to me that a Gorosei so clearly Japanese in design would have more thought put into that design other than Oda being like “I just did it because” lol.

Either way, what cannot be denied is that Hideki Tojo rose to power explicitly through his military career and is known primarily as a military figure.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Based off a historical figure who rose to power exclusively for his military acumen
2. Still carries a fucking weapon

Points against:
1. N/A?
2. Older
3. Short by Gorosei standards (shortest Gorosei?)

Verdict: ZKK

4. Whitebeard’s Father: Stalin and Gorbachev of the Soviet Union

Alright so this guy appears to be based off of two different historical leaders. Stalin was viewed as a war hero before becoming the leader of the Soviets, but Gorbachev has no military background at all.

From this, I think we can assume that Whitebeard’s dad probably performed some kind of military service in his youth but came to power pretty quickly and thus retired as a fighter when he was fairly young. There is really no indication that this guy is really a fighter at all other than the fact that he is probably physically quite large, but he appears slumped over most of the time and appears quite old.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Stalin was viewed as a war hero in his youth

Points against:
1. Older
2. Appears slumped over, possibly slightly overweight

Verdict: Moustache King

5. Jaygarcia Saturn: Giuseppi Garibaldi of Italy

The only named Gorosei that we know is also perhaps the only Gorosei based off of a relatively benevolent irl figure. Garibaldi is largely viewed in a positive light by historians and Italians as far as I can tell. Garibaldi is also viewed as a war-hero, Italian unifier, and one of the greatest generals of the modern era. This guy was stacking up military victories left and right while he was alive.

This all bodes quite well for our friend Jaygarcia, we have another character who could have a heavy military history, perhaps a former high-ranking Marine himself.

However, Saturn also appears quite old and walks around on a cane. Now sure, Saturn could pull a Yoda and drop that cane to start flipping around like a schizoid maniac, but I generally like to believe that Oda is a writer with more nuance than George Lucas’ stupid ass, and that Saturn, while probably still quite strong himself, is probably not going to be stronger than his contemporaries given his advanced age and seeming physical handicap.

Points this guy has in his favor:
1. Garibaldi is a military genius

Points against:
1. Old
2. Seemingly handicapped

Verdict: Don’t make me put this walker down


And thus, my extremely academic and completely unbiased analysis has concluded. I hear by grant the Gorosei a tentative predictory strength ranking:

1. Tall, blonde, and Chad
2. The Ghandi who is not actually Ghandi
3. Jaygarcia Saturn
4. Pinhead Larry
5. Whitebeard Senior

Please post your own Gorosei strength rankings and reasonings (as if that’s never been done before)…

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @SakazOuki @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @Extravlad @kurwa @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @EmperorKinyagi etc etc etc
This is actually a good thread ngl. I agree with your ranking with the exception of 1 and 2 which should probably be switched.

Giving the benefit of the doubt to (Not) Gandhi, if his weapon is indeed a supreme grade, he is likely the strongest Gorosei.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Just one thing: I don't know if this is some kind of prank based on what Trump has said, but the real name is Giuseppe Garibaldi.

"Giuseppi" it's just the wrong name Trump came up with for the Prime minister of Italy some time ago in one of his tweets.
Neither, it was a typo lol. Will fix now.

Seth, You know that is specifically about the position of the 3 admirals yes?

Meaning Akainu right now is no longer considered part of the strongest fighting force.

So would it be bad writing if Akainu is above Fuji, Kizaru, GB the strongest fighting force of the Marines as stated post-TS?
Akainu is an exception given that he recently was an Admiral himself, and apparently a strong Admiral at that. He could still be above the current Admirals because he himself was one recently.

There is nothing stopping a theoretical Gorosei from being stronger than a current Admiral in theory, but in principal the Admirals themselves are supposed to be the greatest WG fighting force so they should be above your average Gorosei.

Chances of Pinhead Larry being based on Itagaki Taisuke instead of Leopold II?
It is possible, those Moustache seem to match but Taisuke also seems to be a pretty boring figure from what I have seen, plus the Gorosei already have their Japanese insert with Tojo. Leopold II fits much better to me personally as he is a figure that is more unique in comparison to Taisuke.
Top Tier thread once again.

If we go by usual Shounen logic I'd argue that Saturn could be the weakest and most "harmless" of the Gorosei. I always felt having Saturn come just to throw hands doesn't go along with the way Oda has portrayed the elders so far. I'd imagine him having a battle of words with Vegapunk to show off his experience and personality would me more interesting with a sprinkle of combat hype by signalling to the reader that this old dude is not to be messed with.
Nice thread but Gandhi is obviously the strongest. Zoro's fight cannot be under Sanji's.

Let's go by the logic of IRL icons = power-level, for a moment.

IRL Gandhi tops them all, he was crazy charismatic and had tons of people follow him in his march. He doesn't get outranked by a Japanese general or any other common ruler especially the ones in this thread. If we talk with population, India > UK Empire. Or in other words, India was the Empire. Gandhi stomps whoever the long leg blonde guy is.

Gandhi was also a wise-men hence the "non-violent" thing. Gorosei-Gandhi is touching his head with two fingers taking the common thinker pose in the panel you posted.

Anyway, these are just designs in the end. Don't expect Gorosei-Gandhi to be peaceful. Lots of chara-designs in One Piece are supposed to be based on real life icons too.

As for his history, Gandhi could be partially based on Miyamoto Musashi. We shouldn't expect Oda to make him a wise-men though, because Zoro would need to be wiser than Musashi or Gandhi to fulfill himself as a swordsman. But Musashi was also famous for being the best swordsman in Japan at the time.