- Cover is Wapol helping some puppies to cross a small river
- In the throne room we see Cobra shocked. He noticed an oddity about imu's eyes and he seems to remember something regarding them. He has a sudden realization but in that moment he gets shot from somewhere.
- Sabo searches for the shooter but he can't find one
- Somewhere (seemingly far away from the castle) we see a silhouette of a fat man (he looks like roo but he is from long arm tribe)
- "That will be enough, Descendant of Traitors. You are not at liberty to ask such questions. At least since...".
- Cut back to Egghead. Monster trio finished their fights, they beat the seraphim off screen. There's black lightning and blue fire in the chapter.
- An explosion destroys the large Tank in Egghead.
- On the destroyed tank we see Kizaru. Some Stella to the speakers: "Egghead has been infiltrated by Admiral Kizaru"
Bettter as oda