I think the other guy owns the magazine too though. And he is saying Sandman is lying because he himself can see page 34.
Unless he is just trolling. Lol
That guy is just trolling and is trying to bait Sandman.
Sandman has no reason to be lying, Sandman has been around for a good while and is a really nice user who will sometimes translate especially when being asked to.
He doesn't seem to really care about power level arguments and I never once seen him participate in one, we don't even know if he's on the side of Yonko's or Admirals.
For all we know he could like the Admirals more or maybe he likes them both, either way all this just to push some dumb agenda is just getting sad now.
At first it was funny but now some people are taking it a bit too far and are becoming toxic trolls.
Even EmperorKinyagi of all people is at least on the reasonable side and isn't trying to attack Sandman.