Your admiral fandom card's been revoked months ago, tbh.
Kinda true but if I do the meme thread I kind want to do it will definitely be gone.

Would mention literally every admiral bro and Yonko bro on the site in an intentionally cringey “why can’t we love both” thread

I think I can keep my admiral fan card if I wait until after an admiral does something cool before I make it
Kinda true but if I do the meme thread I kind want to do it will definitely be gone.

Would mention literally every admiral bro and Yonko bro on the site in an intentionally cringey “why can’t we love both” thread

I think I can keep my admiral fan card if I wait until after an admiral does something cool before I make it
I knew this would come after yesterdays Sanj and Zoro thread :risitameh:
hello can i start converstaion with you ? i am (Redacted) if you rembemebr first ban was perma ban becuase i was hating on truth but i think i should have been given a temporary ban which i thought was the case...anyways i hope to be back in the fourm and share my truth of the manga in civilized way... i swear to god i have been harrased my many fanboys yet they never even got a temporary ban