Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Not at all.

Few fan service chapters can't recover 12 years of drought and bad writing.

If not for outside world chapters Egghead is one of the worst arcs post timeskip.

Everything worst in one place: SHs being morons, running around, fake tension and stakes, 3290823982398 new characters no one cares about and underwhelming reveals ( Big Bonney the traitor and etc ).
Do you think One Piece is still redeemable? Somehow, someway? I agree with your examples listed.

I think if One Piece is gonna get better, now‘s the time it should happen.

Wano was pretty good at first in my opinion, until it got dragged out a lot and then it started being a matter of “When will it end?” as opposed to “I wish it would last a bit longer!” - That’s not the final impression you wanna leave on your readers.

There’s a lot of things that could’ve been done better during that arc, and I wish Oda considered those other aspects of his story. The Gear 5 reveal made it memorable, but not as memorable as it should’ve been.

For example, there was practically no reaction to Luffy’s 3 BILLION beri bounty. We got Shanks looking at his picture and that was pretty much it. :josad:

Ryokugyu’s reveal felt undercooked too, like as if he wasn’t supposed to be there but ended up being there anyway at the last minute. It was weird.
Do you think One Piece is still redeemable?
Been thinking about this myself as I have a friend who got into OP recently (he's up to FMI). It's hard for us on here because we're generally gonna be superfans considering we're on an OP forum but I think ultimately I'd say it is redeemable unless the OP reveal ends up being so bad it's like GOT's ending (which I don't think). A lot of shittalking usually comes from people who absolutely love something so much and wish it could be better, but I hope everyone is generally happy with how it wraps up. We all chose to spend so much time consuming OP we may as well see the good side of it all
Not at all.

Few fan service chapters can't recover 12 years of drought and bad writing.

If not for outside world chapters Egghead is one of the worst arcs post timeskip.

Everything worst in one place: SHs being morons, running around, fake tension and stakes, 3290823982398 new characters no one cares about and underwhelming reveals ( Big Bonney the traitor and etc ).
While i totally agree with everything i am curious if the sales of WCI/Wano/Egghead were increased or decreased with all this messy writing.

I dont have any recent sales numbers but when you search around the internet youtube/reddit etc etc everyone and their mother calls him GODA despite post timeskip's downhill

Formerly Seth

While i totally agree with everything i am curious if the sales of WCI/Wano/Egghead were increased or decreased with all this messy writing.

I dont have any recent sales numbers but when you search around the internet youtube/reddit etc etc everyone and their mother calls him GODA despite post timeskip's downhill
Those are literally dumb fucks who never touched anything more than a manga in their life. I believe on Reddit you'd find literal retards who'd dare to call OP a literature:suresure:

It's hard to base anything on sales since One Piece is the most shoved down everyone's throat manga in Japan.

They are milking OP every chance they have and treat it like the golden egg.

500 mil copies sold. 80% is purely in Japan. I mean c'mon.

The downfall of One Piece is one of the worst downfalls because this manga had so much potential and at some point in the past Oda was really decent for manga standards. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the wrong people ( editors ) and I doubt he will change on his own.

His editors: Shueisha spy ( probably making sure to milk Oda even for the cost of his health declining ), furry pedo, hentai addict.

I mean c'mon.

I remember Oda even said that "He'd love some critical input from his inner circle".

Which literally translates to "I am surrounded by agenda driven dick riders not people".
Those are literally dumb fucks who never touched anything more than a manga in their life. I believe on Reddit you'd find literal retards who'd dare to call OP a literature:suresure:

It's hard to base anything on sales since One Piece is the most shoved down everyone's throat manga in Japan.

They are milking OP every chance they have and treat it like the golden egg.

500 mil copies sold. 80% is purely in Japan. I mean c'mon.

The downfall of One Piece is one of the worst downfalls because this manga had so much potential and at some point in the past Oda was really decent for manga standards. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the wrong people ( editors ) and I doubt he will change on his own.

His editors: Shueisha spy ( probably making sure to milk Oda even for the cost of his health declining ), furry pedo, hentai addict.

I mean c'mon.

I remember Oda even said that "He'd love some critical input from his inner circle".

Which literally translates to "I am surrounded by agenda driven dick riders not people".
Dunno how it is in other parts of the world but here in Europe OP is still considerably behind Naruto in popularity from what i could gather.

It never really made that big of a jump from Japan.
While i totally agree with everything i am curious if the sales of WCI/Wano/Egghead were increased or decreased with all this messy writing.

I dont have any recent sales numbers but when you search around the internet youtube/reddit etc etc everyone and their mother calls him GODA despite post timeskip's downhill
It’s annoying when people call him Goda unironically. He may have made one of the best-selling manga but even he has his faults too, which is expected if you’re human.

That doesn’t mean he can’t improve either, but so many people put him on a pedestal like as if his writing has always been peak.

You want peak? Water 7 was peak. That was an arc I really liked. :blush:

Formerly Seth

Dunno how it is in other parts of the world but here in Europe OP is still considerably behind Naruto in popularity from what i could gather.

It never really made that big of a jump from Japan.
Of course.

Growing up I heard about Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Bleach.

Not once in my life, until I got a volume as a present I ever heard about OP.

People think that social media = literal hype/interest somewhere.

Reality is a bit different.