if you seriously compare the 2 extremes you are insane
and i did not label anyone as a nazi
they're historically very comparable. stalin was hitler's biggest ally until hitler kept rolling on being a schizo and invaded his allies for no reason. in the USSR it was illegal to protest the nazis or organize against them. you'd be thrown in the gulag by communists for fighting nazis. Only after Hitler broke their pact did the Russian Communists start being mad at the Nazis. Until that moment they were allies on every level from trading resources, military aid, to their shared ideology of racial authoritarianism and hatred of Jews and other minorities.
Intolerance towards the LGBTQ. Freedom of religion is fine by me, however in the same vein people should be allowed to identify or be what they want to be. Usually the problem comes from extremism (from both sides really) which often causes extreme reactionary behaviour (see: labeling everything one doesn't like as a nazi or a commie, for example).
Agree people are allowed to identify as whatever they want to identify as. However people are also free to disassociate themselves from those that want to identify themselves as what ever they like as well


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
I know Bandera, he legitimately wanted to genocide Poles, not Russians, making nationalists loving him weird as fuck since Poland hasn't done anything to Ukraine in 300 years
Recently some retarded free world television was interviewing Ukrainian refugees who just crossed the borders to Poland and either try to stay here or go further.

Some lady around 35-40 from the looks said this: "Our boys fight off the Russian invades hard, they are so brave and their fighting spirit is amazing, Bandera would be proud of our boys".


"Kids should not be treated over the sins of their ancestors".

I agree.

But, do people really think that the kids won't be raised to pay respects to genociders and murderers just like their parents were?

Usually countries or just people who cry about social justice the most are from the most racist/non tolerant countries.

People think UK or Germany is more progressive than let's say Poland or Russia?

SWEET FUCKING JESUS I would take you to few places in UK and Germany you wouldn't believe what is going on in there.
UK and Germany might as well be nazi countries NOW the way they restrict speech and throw ppl in jail and torture them for no reason


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
That hardly a Poland only thing though, big cities are always more progessive
Yep also agreed, hence why I used where i live as an example (which is definitely not poland). Thing is ultimately people have their own point of views and changing them is both difficult and ill-advised usually. I personally don't care what people think or what they believe in, as long as they're not harming anyone in the process


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
People are hypocritical

The same people wouldn't say a word about non white people doing that

You have American nationalists who would go apeshit if they saw a Chinese/Russian/whatever country they don't like being Nationalist and proud because in their own mind only America is allowed to be nationalist due to being "exceptional"

Even typing about it makes me sick
Is it 4th of July or April?

I don't know the date of their national days.

Literally entire america goes into colors of their flag.
