Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Sanji defeats both Aokiji and Kizaru and becomes the most dangerous man to the WG as well as the world’s fastest man

Zoro defeats Mihawk and achieves mihawk’s previous title

Both these things happen before Luffy becomes pirate king after bb’s defeat

Luffy then goes after Imu as the final villain
Don't let all of this distract you from the fact that we started with "Sanji vs Page One rematch" in Onigashima and now people are shitting their pants because Sanji could possibly defeat an opponent of the same tier of Zoro's EoS.
"Look how tables have turned"

Formerly Seth

Sanji defeats both Aokiji and Kizaru and becomes the most dangerous man to the WG as well as the world’s fastest man

Zoro defeats Mihawk and achieves mihawk’s previous title

Both these things happen before Luffy becomes pirate king after bb’s defeat

Luffy then goes after Imu as the final villain
Then you wake up and Sanji is busy fighting Lafitte.
Fujitora is smart enough to understand that the World is ran by the WG & Celestial Dragons whether he likes it or not. And if he isn't an Admiral, they'd have someone else filling his shoes.
So why not just take the role of an admiral, gain influence, and try to make slow changes from the inside ? He already managed to abolish the Warlord system which was established by the WG (if he wasn't a Marine Admiral, he wouldn't be able to do that).

He is clearly not okay with the slaves thing as he seized his chance to help them go free. So he is obviously not fan of the WG and sees their corruption (unlike Ryukugyu) and he's only using his position to make the world better.

Although, yes he has to make sacrifices like having the protect the CDs but then again, if he didn't do that, someone else would so it is worth it. And I believe that in time, if he sees that the WG could really be beaten, he will likely turn on them.
Because while making slow changes people are dying and suffering because he and his power protects the world government.

When there’s an already established group looking to bring a complete change to the world government, if you’re looking to do the same why fight them and protect your mutual enemy? Unless you don’t see them as your enemy.

Fujitoras ideals seem to be the same as Suzaku from Code Geass who may be one of my least favorite characters for the same reason I think Fujitoras a hypocrite. His actions cause more suffering than he helps while the entire time acting like the good guy, it’s like a five star general in the American army preaching pacifism.
Lets say Sanji does indeed become a Yonko Admiral character, lets say it happens, how do we see it happening?

How would he learn AdvCoA
How would he learn AdvCoO
How would he learn AdvCoC
How would he increase his physical strength durability Range AoE and Speed
How would he be lethal enough to harm an admiral?

Would that all happen in One fight?
Or will Sanji be the only one getting power up after power up
Would he get more judge genes

Remember Oda has to pull so much out of his ass only to take Sanji from this level

To this level

And it took him like 7 8 years ish
The guy who owned Sanji, owned a character stronger than Queen from WBPs. Your comparison is shit as always.
Don't let all of this distract you from the fact that we started with "Sanji vs Page One rematch" in Onigashima and now people are shitting their pants because Sanji could possibly defeat an opponent of the same tier of Zoro's EoS.
"Look how tables have turned"
The same tier as Jinbei, Robin or Usopp, there's 5 of them, no? Funny that you think that Lanji is going to fight a Gorosei, Admiral or anyone relevant over much stronger and important characters. :arnoling:
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