Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Well I am glad he fought Queen after 999999 Ass pulls but this is a whole different league

Someone who doesn't even have advanced version of One Haki yet can't logically reach this level
Haki blooms in very difficult fights. If you think Sanji’s hasn’t then idk what to tell you

And also twins are genetically the closest things to clones. Almost an exact copy of one another as they share the same DNA. Sanji is a born quadrouplet meaning he basically has 3 twins (Ichiji, Niji, Yonji)

You mean to tell me that you sat through WCI, met 3 nearly identical beings to sanji+his sister who shares some of the same genes as him with crazy mutant abilities and somehow, someway you see Sanji’s power up as an……ASSPULL? You really didn’t think he’d recieve those
Abilities as well?????

Yeah chief, this ain’t it. Dk what else to tell ya


there will be no fight on laugh tale
The guy who leaked oda's plans and got killed by shueisha gave the blueprint for SHP x BBP on laugh tale right prior to luffy becoming PK then he will set to mariejoa and after beating imu, fulfill his True dream of the biggest party/banquet ever.
They afraid not Yonkou but world balance crushing.
They were afraid of angering Kaido, nothing to do with World Balance.
They were hyping Kaido vs Luffy battle as world class

No matter how badass they may be, they're old...past prime
No way they will be Yonko level, bar maybe 2

I don't see any Gorosei above Akainu yet
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