Sign-up Jujustu Kaisen Mafia 1 - Shibuya Incident

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What could have been...

Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia 1 - Shibyua Incident

Host: Ekko
Start Date: Whenever filled / After @Lord Melkor 's game if it starts first
Game Type: Medium Rolemadness
Lynch Style: Majority
Claiming: Role/flavor claiming is freely allowed, however reckless claiming is discouraged
Phase Length: 48 hours all day phases. 24 hours all night phases. Phase length is subject to change when half the players remain

Quick Overview of Game Mechanics (More in Game Thread):

1. Binding Vow Buff - Revealing One's Hand: Players may truthfully divulge their flavor (or fake claim's flavor) and any part of their role, regardless of how vaguely or misleadingly, to receive a Binding Vow Buff as indicated in their role, upgrading it slightly. Players are however discouraged from recklessly revealing information about their roles as anti-town players are well equipped with fake roles of varying relevancy and strength, as well as mechanics to punish excessive claiming. Players are encouraged to "play mafia" in order to win the game.

2. Leader Protections: In this game, there exists a "Town Leader" and a "Scum Leader" role. These roles will have the capability to publicly protect a certain number of players each cycle. Players currently do not have more information on these roles.

3. Last Wills: All players may write a "Last Will" in their role PMs and update it at any time if they so desire before they are dead. Players are currently unaware of what happens to their last wills after their death.

4. Factional Abilities: Factional Abilities are abilities that can be used by any member of the respective faction, and will publicly flip to the Game Thread with the faction leader's flip. These abilities can be used by the other members of the team even after the leader dies.

5. There are no bastard, hidden, surprising, and/or any obscure mechanics. If your role has any upgrades, they will be clearly stated in the role beforehand. There will be no mod-induced bastard elements in the game. All write-ups in the game will be 100% truthful. If your role has information that you have no access to at the present time, you will be informed in the role that you are currently unaware of said information.

6. Vote counts will accurately display the number of votes in play. There will be no hidden voting power.

7. Players will NOT be notified if they are roleblocked. Additionally, limited passives will NOT notify the player if they are consumed (ex: 1x Bulletproof Vest will not notify the player when they are shot). However, being successfully hit with any sort of role or passive crush, disable, ability destruction, delayed kill, and/or permanent amputation will notify you of exactly what you were hit with, and for how long it will last.

8. Unless otherwise specified in the specific ability, all non-investigative abilities in the game will not return any sort of feedback. If an investigative ability failed, regardless of the reason for failure, you will obtain a generic "Your action failed" feedback. If your investigative result is delayed, regardless of the reason, you will obtain a generic "Your results were delayed" feedback.

9. Delayed kills, if any, are simply treated as kills processing in a future night and can be stopped by a standard doctor protection on that future night, or a standard roleblock on the night they were fired. A dedicated healer, if any, can stop a delayed kill on either the night it was fired or the future night it processes on. Delayed kills will have no flavor (ex: poison, bleed, burn) and will instead simply be called "Delayed Kills".

Sign-Ups: 27 players [27/27]
1. @RippedCal
2. @Ratchet
3. @MonochromeYoru
4. @T-Pein™
5. @Ultra
6. @ConquistadoR
7. @Kiku
8. @hime
9. @Dr. Watson
10. @Joygirl
11. @Midnight Delight
12. @Naomi
13. @Mr. Reloaded
14. @Alwaysmind
15. @Destroya
16. @Psylocke
17. @MitchMatch
18. @KWEH
19. @Orwellian
20. @Dr_Professor83
21. @MangoSenpai
22. @Underworld Broker
23. @NikaInParis
24. @Flower
25. @Michelle
26. @Grammaton
27. @Neeko

1. @Rej
2. @Lindltaylor
3. @Michelle
4. @Apollo
5. @xenos5
6. @Charlie
7. @Juliet
8. @zenox
9. @QueenEmilia
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It's alright, you get better by playing.
And you dont need to read/watch JJK to play this game tbh.
Seriously bro, I've tried to play three times, and every time I've been shit.

Mostly because the Mafia Games set-up is quite complex and varies greatly from one game to the next, and also because players are always taking advantage of beginners.

To play Mafia on this forum, you need to be familiar with Role Playing, and that's something I don't have, I'm a level 10 nerd and not a level 99 nerd.


What could have been...
Seriously bro, I've tried to play three times, and every time I've been shit.

Mostly because the Mafia Games set-up is quite complex and varies greatly from one game to the next, and also because players are always taking advantage of beginners.

To play Mafia on this forum, you need to be familiar with Role Playing, and that's something I don't have, I'm a level 10 nerd and not a level 99 nerd.
thats probably because u started with super rolemadness games, which are often times overwhelming to start at.

this game is on the medium side of rolemadness. you can try to look at games of similar sizes in the rolemadness section
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