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Gorosei Informer

Would actually be the most amazing thing to happen
Aye haha, tis a shame we cant now!
I did the next best thing at least though:

Title: "Worstgen Wars: The Trial of the Internet Lords"

[Scene: Courtroom, Judge's Bench]
Judge Reloaded: Court is now in session for the trial of FinalBeta vs. Worstgen Forums. Is the defense ready?

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (adjusting his blue suit and spiky hair) Ready as ever, Your Honor! Today, I will defend Worstgen Moderator Van and the beloved Worstgen Forums!

Judge Reloaded: And is the prosecution ready?

Charlotte Van Franziska Smoothie: (cracking her whip) Ready to bring the hammer of justice down on the defense, Your Honor!

Judge Reloaded: Very well. Let the trial commence!

[Scene: Witness Stand]
Marco the Phoenix Wright: (approaching the witness stand) Your Honor, I'd like to call the plaintiff, FinalBeta, to the stand.

[FinalBeta takes the stand, wearing a cape and holding a scepter]

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (smiling) Mr. FinalBeta, could you please explain why you are suing Worstgen Forums?

FinalBeta: (in an overly dramatic tone) I, FinalBeta, the Supreme Internet Lord, am suing Worstgen Forums for defamation! They dared to criticize my impeccable taste in anime and manga!

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (trying not to laugh) I see. And what kind of damages are you seeking?

FinalBeta: (with a smirk) I demand a public apology, a lifetime supply of pomegranate juice, and the immediate cessation of all negative opinions about my divine intellect!

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (whispering to himself) Well, this won't be easy.

[Scene: Prosecution Bench]
Charlotte Van Franziska Smoothie: (brandishing her whip) Objection! Your Honor, this entire case is frivolous! Mr. FinalBeta's ego knows no bounds!

Judge Reloaded: (leaning back) Sustained. Please proceed, Mr. Wright.

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (pointing at Smoothie) Your Honor, the prosecution's objection is right on the money. The plaintiff's inflated sense of self-importance is not a matter for the courts.

Charlotte Van Franziska Smoothie: (smirking) Objection! The defense is avoiding the issue at hand!

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (grinning) Your Honor, we have evidence that Worstgen Moderator Van has always moderated the forums with fairness and a sense of camaraderie, just like the A-Team!

Judge Reloaded: (raising an eyebrow) The A-Team?

Van: (leaning back in his chair) I pity the fool who doubts my moderation skills, Your Honor! I'm always on the case, just like Mr. T!

[Scene: Defense Bench]
Marco the Phoenix Wright: (pumping his fist) And that's not all, Your Honor! We have countless testimonials from Worstgen Forum members who praise Van's dedication to fostering a positive and respectful community.

Charlotte Van Franziska Smoothie: (scoffing) Testimonials? They mean nothing!

[Scene: Smoothie's Whip Attack]
Charlotte Van Franziska Smoothie: (brandishing her whip) Enough of this nonsense, Mr. Wright! It's time to end your futile defense!

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (backing away) Wait, what are you...?

[Smoothie swings her whip, knocking Marco off his feet and into the air. She activates her devil fruit power, squeezing him with her liquid sword-whip. Suddenly, Marco turns into a pineapple and falls onto the courtroom floor.]

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (muffled) Objection! This is a fruit-icidal attack!

Judge Reloaded: (laughing) This is quite the unexpected turn of

events. I could use some pineapple juice myself.

[The court erupts in laughter as Marco the Phoenix Wright struggles to free himself from the pineapple form. Smoothie finally releases him and serves pineapple juice to everyone.]

Marco the Phoenix Wright: (dripping pineapple juice) Your Honor, despite this fruity setback, I still believe in the innocence of Worstgen Moderator Van and the forums. Let us continue the defense!

Judge Reloaded: (wiping away tears of laughter) Very well. The trial will proceed, and the truth shall be revealed!

[And so, the zany courtroom battle continues as Marco the Phoenix Wright fights to defend Worstgen Forums and its moderator Van from FinalBeta's inflated ego. The laughter and absurdity carry on throughout the trial, but in the end, justice prevails in the most unexpected way.]

[End of script]

(I can only apologise to Van, everytime I see his name it makes me think of how much me and a former best friend loved the A-Team and how his dad was kinda like an IRL Mr.T on top of that!)
What Shanks anything to do with it moron? Shanks wouldn't be WGS if Mihawk never existed, stop making stupid power scaling.

Literally Law is there :gokulaugh: You clown reaching too much.

Why Roger wasn't WGS if you think Mihawk was the only guy stopping Shanks from being WGS?

There was no Mihawk in Roger's era and Roger wasn't WGS, yup debunked. Shanks still wouldn't be WGS if Mihawk never exist. Its a skill related title.

Kamusari doesn't make him WGS, it doesn't even cut.
Sound logic is banned in this forum
MODS :beckmoji::beckmoji:
Didn’t beta threaten to sue the site and most the users here lmao

Some people really need to chill
USA-wise, it can be complicated with 1st Amendment rights. A website also has legal responsibilities. Where the line of distinction between the two lines is up to interpretation of the law and the ingenuity of the attorneys involved.


IIRC, others were maliciously slandering him, according to Beta's interpretation. Of the posts I read after Beta left were a bunch of low blows and not uplifting, to say the least. He may have cause for investigating slander. That said, at heart, I tend to agree with you. This is a no-holds barred website. Dishing it out and taking it, go hand-in-hand. No excuses.

Legally, though, powers-that-be may have their own understandings. That is up to Beta's and WG's attorneys, if they employ attorneys. After that, it may come down to a judge.


He's stronger than BM. Admirals couldn't scar kaido so he's a yonko.
Admirals could harm kaido, they just couldnt beat him.

Nine scabbards harmed him through ryou, are they admirals too???
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Didn’t beta threaten to sue the site and most the users here lmao

Some people really need to chill
Whats this story about lol???
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I will say this.

If Kaios never threatened to kill you, you don't know fun.

Tell this story pls
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