A lot of people still believe in Mihawk being the last final opponent of Zoro, but let's be real for a moment.
We know that the world government will be the final enemy and that the final war will take place after Luffy already became the Pirate King.
Now, Zoro becoming the World strongest swordsman before Luffy becomes the Pirate King, or at least the same time, should have been clear, since as Luffy confirmed It Is the minimum required for the pirate King crew.
Now we also know that Mihawk Is being forced by Buggy to take part to this One Piece challenge, which confirms that Zoro Will defeat him before they get the treasure.
Mihawk had changes of being the final opponent of Zoro when he was still part of the World's government as a member of shicibukai, but now?
Now what do you expect? Oda doing some chapters AFTER the final war when it's all ended for Zoro vs Mihawk?
C'mon, now It Is more than clear to anyone who knows a bit of narrative, Mihawk's gonna fall before the final war.
This Is how Zoro's final opponent look like:
And before wanking the gorosei remember that they all scared of Akagami no Shanks.
Title are not meant to be Absolute Truth, and if you wanna Say the "box" doesn't lie then Momonosuke Is son of kinnemon.
Time to accept Mihawk has always been a fraud.
I want some intellectual honest in the replies, thank you.
We know that the world government will be the final enemy and that the final war will take place after Luffy already became the Pirate King.
Now, Zoro becoming the World strongest swordsman before Luffy becomes the Pirate King, or at least the same time, should have been clear, since as Luffy confirmed It Is the minimum required for the pirate King crew.
Now we also know that Mihawk Is being forced by Buggy to take part to this One Piece challenge, which confirms that Zoro Will defeat him before they get the treasure.
Mihawk had changes of being the final opponent of Zoro when he was still part of the World's government as a member of shicibukai, but now?
Now what do you expect? Oda doing some chapters AFTER the final war when it's all ended for Zoro vs Mihawk?
C'mon, now It Is more than clear to anyone who knows a bit of narrative, Mihawk's gonna fall before the final war.
This Is how Zoro's final opponent look like:
And before wanking the gorosei remember that they all scared of Akagami no Shanks.
Title are not meant to be Absolute Truth, and if you wanna Say the "box" doesn't lie then Momonosuke Is son of kinnemon.
Time to accept Mihawk has always been a fraud.
I want some intellectual honest in the replies, thank you.