first of all: we not let man into bathrooms
My transgender coworker uses the girls bathroom. He started doing so right when his passport got changed.
So yes, biological males aka men do use womens bathrooms. Some even knock up girls in women prisons, lol.
who went through "man puberty" first
A bandaid. Even a male that did not undergo male puberty will have a huge advantage.
This will become forbidden in a few months or years. Its starting to dawn on people that having biological males in female sports is a horrible idea no matter the circumstances.
What is even the message here when a male takes top spot again crushing all time records? That men are the better women? One way to crush 40 years of progress I guess.
waiting for their bodies to change more, and if they went through the man puberty, which yet give unchangeable that easily changes in the body from what I know
You are being fed lies I am afraid. Being male or female is more than just hormonal changes. Low testosterone males will still end up stronger than high testosterone females. No amount of "waiting" will change that.
third: we don't groom kids, it's just them and them alone and their decisions
Kids are impressionable. You may not think that it is grooming, but that is exactly what it is. Voluntarily or involuntarily. Does not matter.
Confused children being led on. A kid before puberty can hardly understand the consequences.
They may know what will happen or what the consequences are, but they do not understand it.
There is a stark difference between knowing something and realizing something.
We all know we will die one day. Realizing this for the first time is completely different though.
We do not trust that kids before 14y can make transactions of any sort or go out late at night, but we are supposed to let them make irreversible and life changing decisions on their body? No, sorry.
they just talk on the stage or read books
Why would drag queens even want to read books to children?
It got normalized so much for you that you do not even see it as weird.
I am all for equality and that stuff as long as people are being honest. To themselves and others.