
๐Ÿ‘‘YNWA ๐Ÿ‘‘
Good news. Izaya X told me that he will let anybody took over his FC threads such as Luffy FC (Well, @Shura is gone now so I might took over the Luffy FC if Shura doesn't return:josad::josad:) and the Boa FC (Which I will took over soon) and Dragon FC (I think I will let @gojo took over that FC since he's a huge Dragon fan more than me)

Bad news. The admins like Bogard and Pantheos is too busy right now so I can't took over those FC yet:josad::josad::josad:
thanks bro. Dragon needs more love on here



The Honoured One

Would have been a 10/10 but that Zoro part :kriwhat:

Also if someone rates my sig could you tell me about the visible one and the spoilered one pls? :neesama:

And that's what I call a classic misdirection ma good friend. I purposely put that meme there, so the salty ass hardcore fanboys would calm down enough not to report me.


Doffy level plays.
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Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
And that's what I can misdirection ma good friend. I purposely put that meme there, so the salty ass hardcore fanboys would calm down enough not to report me.


Doffy level plays.
Had a hunch it was that.

I am posting again so someone will rate it lmao.