Gorosei Informer

OH GOD WHY?! LMAO! @EmperorKinyagi

@Mr. Reloaded @CoC: Color of Clowns @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Pot Goblin @Meeyori @Rottkins


Let's make this even worse now!:
Title: One Piece Moon: The Dark Side of the Moon

Scene 1: The Hidden Chamber in Mariejois
  • Sabo infiltrates the Holy Land Mariejois in search of answers regarding the World Government’s secrets. He stumbles upon a hidden chamber.
Sabo: This is it. The truth lies behind this door.
  • He quietly opens the door and gasps at what he sees.
Scene 2: The Transformation of the Gorosei
  • Inside, the Gorosei are standing in a circle, holding hands, and chanting.
Gorosei: By the sinister power of the Ancient Moon, we summon thee!
  • There’s a blinding light, and when it clears, the Gorosei have transformed into dark versions of the Sailor Moon Scouts, with ominous uniforms and crowns.
Sabo (whispering to himself): This is both horrifying and strangely captivating.
Scene 3: The Arrival of Imu

  • Suddenly, a dark figure descends from above. It's Imu, dressed as an evil version of Sailor Moon, with a dark scepter and all.
Imu (in a sinister voice): I am Dark Sailor Imu, ruler of shadows and deceit!
Sabo (still whispering to himself): Oh, Neptune...
Scene 4: The Dark Prophecy

  • Imu begins speaking about a sinister prophecy.
Imu: We, the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts, have manipulated the world for centuries. But there is one destined to take my place, the true Dark Sailor Moon – Carrot of the Mink Tribe!
Scene 5: Carrot’s Arrival

  • Sabo runs back to inform the Revolutionary Army and ends up bringing Carrot to Mariejois.
  • Carrot enters the chamber and is greeted by Imu and the Gorosei Sailor Scouts.
Imu: My spawn, you are destined to cast shadows upon the world with the power of the Dark Moon!
Scene 6: Carrot’s Transformation

  • Carrot undergoes a magical transformation and becomes a dark version of Sailor Moon, complete with a sinister and gothic outfit.
Carrot: In the name of the dark moon, I will spread shadows and deceit!
Scene 7: Alabastan Soldiers Attack

  • Suddenly, a group of brave Alabastan soldiers led by Vivi, having learned about the dark forces, storm the chamber.
Vivi: We won’t let you tarnish the world with your darkness!
  • An epic battle ensues, with the dark Gorosei Sailor Scouts and Dark Sailor Imu fighting against the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 8: Sabo's Dilemma
  • Sabo, who has been watching all of this, is torn.
Sabo: I must help them!
  • Sabo jumps into the fray, aiding the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 9: The Defeat of Darkness
  • With Sabo's help, the forces of Alabasta manage to defeat the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts.
  • Dark Sailor Imu and the Gorosei are sealed away by an ancient jutsu performed by Vivi.
Vivi: May the light forever keep the darkness at bay!
Scene 10: The Aftermath

  • The Alabastan soldiers and Sabo leave the chamber, with Carrot, who has been freed from the dark influence, joining them.
  • They vow to keep the world safe from such sinister forces.
Sabo: Let’s ensure that such dark powers never resurface again.
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Mr. Reloaded

World's worst Mafia player
OH GOD WHY?! LMAO! @EmperorKinyagi

@Mr. Reloaded @CoC: Color of Clowns @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Pot Goblin @Meeyori @Rottkins


Let's make this even worse now!:
Title: One Piece Moon: The Dark Side of the Moon

Scene 1: The Hidden Chamber in Mariejois
  • Sabo infiltrates the Holy Land Mariejois in search of answers regarding the World Government’s secrets. He stumbles upon a hidden chamber.
Sabo: This is it. The truth lies behind this door.
  • He quietly opens the door and gasps at what he sees.
Scene 2: The Transformation of the Gorosei
  • Inside, the Gorosei are standing in a circle, holding hands, and chanting.
Gorosei: By the sinister power of the Ancient Moon, we summon thee!
  • There’s a blinding light, and when it clears, the Gorosei have transformed into dark versions of the Sailor Moon Scouts, with ominous uniforms and crowns.
Sabo (whispering to himself): This is both horrifying and strangely captivating.
Scene 3: The Arrival of Imu

  • Suddenly, a dark figure descends from above. It's Imu, dressed as an evil version of Sailor Moon, with a dark scepter and all.
Imu (in a sinister voice): I am Dark Sailor Imu, ruler of shadows and deceit!
Sabo (still whispering to himself): Oh, Neptune...
Scene 4: The Dark Prophecy

  • Imu begins speaking about a sinister prophecy.
Imu: We, the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts, have manipulated the world for centuries. But there is one destined to take my place, the true Dark Sailor Moon – Carrot of the Mink Tribe!
Scene 5: Carrot’s Arrival

  • Sabo runs back to inform the Revolutionary Army and ends up bringing Carrot to Mariejois.
  • Carrot enters the chamber and is greeted by Imu and the Gorosei Sailor Scouts.
Imu: My spawn, you are destined to cast shadows upon the world with the power of the Dark Moon!
Scene 6: Carrot’s Transformation

  • Carrot undergoes a magical transformation and becomes a dark version of Sailor Moon, complete with a sinister and gothic outfit.
Carrot: In the name of the dark moon, I will spread shadows and deceit!
Scene 7: Alabastan Soldiers Attack

  • Suddenly, a group of brave Alabastan soldiers led by Vivi, having learned about the dark forces, storm the chamber.
Vivi: We won’t let you tarnish the world with your darkness!
  • An epic battle ensues, with the dark Gorosei Sailor Scouts and Dark Sailor Imu fighting against the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 8: Sabo's Dilemma
  • Sabo, who has been watching all of this, is torn.
Sabo: I must help them!
  • Sabo jumps into the fray, aiding the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 9: The Defeat of Darkness
  • With Sabo's help, the forces of Alabasta manage to defeat the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts.
  • Dark Sailor Imu and the Gorosei are sealed away by an ancient jutsu performed by Vivi.
Vivi: May the light forever keep the darkness at bay!
Scene 10: The Aftermath

  • The Alabastan soldiers and Sabo leave the chamber, with Carrot, who has been freed from the dark influence, joining them.
  • They vow to keep the world safe from such sinister forces.
Sabo: Let’s ensure that such dark powers never resurface again.
Ethanbaron looking fresh af :myman: