Gorosei Informer

I wish that meme came true :risitavirus:
The scene unfolds in Wano, with Momonosuke's group gathered around him. After a tense few moments, the dust from Shinobu's Devil Fruit power settles to reveal a now adult Momonosuke, looking a lot like... Whitebeard?!

He stands tall, muscular, and even sports the same majestic moustache - albeit black - and flowing blonde hair, a stark contrast to the child he was moments ago.

Surprised by his own transformation, he laughs a hearty "Gurarararara!", strikingly similar to the laugh of the late Whitebeard. "I look just like my Father, Kozuki Oden!" he declares confidently, flexing his new muscles and grinning widely.

A silence hangs in the air as Hiyori, Shinobu, and the Scabbards stare at him, their faces the epitome of confusion. Kine'mon, in particular, looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Lord Momonosuke," Kine'mon starts, nervously playing with the sheath of his sword, "I do not wish to question your eyesight but... you bear a striking resemblance to Whitebeard, not Lord Oden."

"But I have his spirit, Kine'mon! Look at these muscles!" Momonosuke flexes even harder, puffing out his chest, and sends the group into a fit of laughter.

Hiyori, clutching her stomach as she laughs, manages to gasp out, "Oh, Momo, you've always had Father's spirit. But now... well, you're a special blend of both him and Whitebeard!"

The newly transformed Momonosuke, a unique amalgamation of his father's spirit and Whitebeard's aesthetics, shrugs off the laughter with a hearty "Gurarararara!" All is well, after all, as long as he has the spirit of his father within him.

Cut to Kaido, watching from a distance. His typically stern expression wavers as he takes in the sight of Momonosuke's transformation. His eyes widen slightly, the usually heavy-lidded gaze flicking between Momonosuke and a long-distant memory of his old rival, Whitebeard.

"Hic... Impossible!" Kaido blurts out, almost choking on his favorite sake, the bottle loosely held in his hand. He blinks, half-expecting the image before him to disappear like a mirage.

When it doesn’t, he squints, as if the action would somehow morph Momonosuke back into the child he knew. But, no – the powerful, tall figure remains, uncannily reminiscent of the Whitebeard of yore, mustache and all.

A grumble escapes Kaido's lips. "Gurarararara, he says..." Kaido mutters to himself, the laugh ringing all too familiar in his ears. "Oi, Oden, did your brat always have such a... distinctive sense of humor?"

But then, a spark of amusement seems to light in Kaido's eyes. An uncanny chuckle rumbles deep in his chest, the sound muffled by the sake bottle he’s brought up to his lips.

"Fine then," he drawls, after taking a long swig of sake, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Let's see if the kid has the guts to match that moustache."

Perhaps the final battle in Wano wouldn't be as boring as he'd feared after all.

