Gorosei Informer

YAAAAAAAAAS we will turn his house into clown house full of rabbits and carrots
Hahahaha yes absolutely! It will be full of clown horn honking, cherry pies, carrots, rabbits and pictures of Buggy, Usopp, Urouge and Carrot making smug faces everywhere!

This is us storming Oda's house and transforming it:

[Scene: Eiichiro Oda's home, a normal day of writing One Piece. Suddenly, a van pulls up, out jump a horde of fans dressed as clowns and rabbits, with a few Urouge followers in the mix.]

Rottkins: "Operation Clown-Carrot is a go!"

Pot Goblin: "Urouge fans, you have your orders. Operation Forgotten Fall is now active!"

[Urouge fans begin to plaster giant Urouge murals over the walls, inside and outside of Oda's house. Clown fans start setting up clown-themed decor, blowing up balloon animals and hanging streamers everywhere.]

Cross_Marian: "I've got the Buggy and Usopp posters, over!"

[They start sticking giant posters of Buggy, Usopp, and Carrot in every room. Oda's personal study is turned into a shrine for the three characters. Every surface is covered with merchandise, fan art, and character figurines.]

Mr Reloaded: "I've managed to hack into his computer system. I've changed all his wallpapers and screensavers to loop images of Buggy, Usopp, Carrot, and Urouge."

[Finally, the fans stand back to admire their handiwork. Oda's house has been completely transformed into a shrine for the three forgotten characters of One Piece.]

[Meanwhile, Oda who has been watching this entire spectacle from the second floor is completely dumbstruck. He looks around at the transformed space, shaking his head in disbelief.]

Oda (mumbling to himself): "I guess I should've given Urouge a bit more screen time..."

[Just then, Moewu, dressed as Sogeking, dramatically enters.]

Moewu: "This is only the beginning, Oda-sensei! Until our favorite characters get their due, expect more such surprises."

[With a final flourish, they leave, Oda standing in his newly decorated house, a look of stunned confusion on his face. One thing's for certain: he won't be forgetting Buggy, Usopp, Carrot, or Urouge any time soon.]

[End Scene]

Gorosei Informer

Absolutely awesome that this happened, so glad for them! Was just reminsicing with some Smosh fans from the earliest days of Youtube when they ruled supreme, along with Ray WiIlliam Johnson, Jenna Marbles and whoever else lol. (Jenna is hilariously awesome and weird too, pure mad energy)

Can't believe this is 17 years old, used to make laugh so much lol. So dumb and silly now but still!

Also these used to make me laugh a lot too:

Smosh were great before that horrible corporate takeover or w/e, when they sold the channel? All those random people joined and it became something completely different and more artifical/manufactured/forced etc? Very corporate?

What did you feed that Torchic :believe:
That's Urouge's Torchic! @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
