I have to admit.. USA's gov. are one step ahead of France right now concerning LGBTQ+, hope they are using their ressources to really make a systemic change.

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opressed yet supported by all major institutions which run the world from governments and major companies
you cant have a more self contradicting belief system then one such as that
Strange, if that was the case, there wouldn't be an entire portion of the political spectrum that think that those people are groomer.

Really strange..

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
That’s fine, he should enjoy the rest of his life…not only will the victims of the massacre he did nothing to prevent never get the chance to do that, but he ain’t gonna have any peace in the afterlife, so he might as well enjoy this ride before he’s violently thrown off it :beckmoji:
Amen 🙏

I think this trial only further proves nothing was ever gonna happen to the Uvalde police either :josad:
Strange, if that was the case, there wouldn't be an entire portion of the political spectrum that think that those people are groomer.
for one, the argument by the left was always that it was the systems attacking you not randoms on the internet

And yea there are morons who say all lgbt people are groomers but that's not true obviously, the opposite case where leftists say there's no lgbt groomers whatsoever are also full of shit cause there are actual examples people can cite

Ether way, would really take some randoms on the internet as a serious case for oppression, if you want social oppression then look at jim crow era where black people were treated as second class citizens but the reason that is valid was cause it was a great swalf of people doing that compared to this where it's really just culture war bs more about poltitical browny points then a real issue affecting the daily lifes of these people