Gorosei Informer

I noticed the irony of Dragon being a "pacifist" and yet Kuma becoming a Pacifista so I got ChatGPT to write this up lol:

[Scene: Revolutionary Army's base camp. Dragon is addressing his troops.]

Dragon: We must stand for peace and oppose the World Government's tyranny!

[Suddenly, a Den Den Mushi rings.]

Dragon: (answers) Hello?

Akainu (over Den Den Mushi): Dragon, you hypocrite!

[Cut to Marine Headquarters, Akainu scowling, holding a Den Den Mushi.]

Akainu: I heard you preach about pacifism, but one of your most loyal men became a Pacifista! Doesn’t that smell like hypocrisy?

[Cut back to Revolutionary Army's base. Dragon is silent.]

[Suddenly, Garp bursts into the room, laughing.]

Garp: I overheard everything!

Dragon: (irritated) What are you doing here, Garp?

Garp: Just passing by. But speaking of passing, I prefer to “Pass A Fist”. (flexes muscles)

[Cut to Marine Headquarters. Akainu rolls his eyes.]

Akainu: That's what he taught me too. (cracks knuckles)

[Cut back to Dragon, who now seems amused.]

Dragon: Seriously, you two are the last people who should lecture on irony.

[Cut to Marine Headquarters. Akainu smirks.]

Akainu: At least our Fists are consistent!

[Cut back to Revolutionary Army's base. Garp is doing shadow boxing.]

Garp: Dragon, join the “Pass A Fist” club. We have cookies!

Dragon: (facepalms) I'll pass.

[Scene shifts to the Revolutionary Army members whispering.]

Revolutionary #1: Is this how the world's most feared individuals communicate?

Revolutionary #2: Apparently, it’s all about passing fists and pastries.

[Cut to Dragon hanging up the Den Den Mushi.]

Dragon: Now, where were we?

Revolutionary #3: Something about peace and no fists.

[Dragon sighs as Garp continues shadow boxing in the background.]

Dragon: Just another day.

[Fade Out]


Touch The Grass
I noticed the irony of Dragon being a "pacifist" and yet Kuma becoming a Pacifista so I got ChatGPT to write this up lol:

[Scene: Revolutionary Army's base camp. Dragon is addressing his troops.]

Dragon: We must stand for peace and oppose the World Government's tyranny!

[Suddenly, a Den Den Mushi rings.]

Dragon: (answers) Hello?

Akainu (over Den Den Mushi): Dragon, you hypocrite!

[Cut to Marine Headquarters, Akainu scowling, holding a Den Den Mushi.]

Akainu: I heard you preach about pacifism, but one of your most loyal men became a Pacifista! Doesn’t that smell like hypocrisy?

[Cut back to Revolutionary Army's base. Dragon is silent.]

[Suddenly, Garp bursts into the room, laughing.]

Garp: I overheard everything!

Dragon: (irritated) What are you doing here, Garp?

Garp: Just passing by. But speaking of passing, I prefer to “Pass A Fist”. (flexes muscles)

[Cut to Marine Headquarters. Akainu rolls his eyes.]

Akainu: That's what he taught me too. (cracks knuckles)

[Cut back to Dragon, who now seems amused.]

Dragon: Seriously, you two are the last people who should lecture on irony.

[Cut to Marine Headquarters. Akainu smirks.]

Akainu: At least our Fists are consistent!

[Cut back to Revolutionary Army's base. Garp is doing shadow boxing.]

Garp: Dragon, join the “Pass A Fist” club. We have cookies!

Dragon: (facepalms) I'll pass.

[Scene shifts to the Revolutionary Army members whispering.]

Revolutionary #1: Is this how the world's most feared individuals communicate?

Revolutionary #2: Apparently, it’s all about passing fists and pastries.

[Cut to Dragon hanging up the Den Den Mushi.]

Dragon: Now, where were we?

Revolutionary #3: Something about peace and no fists.

[Dragon sighs as Garp continues shadow boxing in the background.]

Dragon: Just another day.

[Fade Out]