One Piece EPISODE 1067
"To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats"
Shin Jidai e! Ketchaku! Gaki-domo no Kakugo
Opening 24 | PAINT - I Don't Like Mondays. (Simulcast)
Chapter(s) : -
Airdate: July 2, 2023
Episode 1068 Preview
"To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats"
Shin Jidai e! Ketchaku! Gaki-domo no Kakugo
Opening 24 | PAINT - I Don't Like Mondays. (Simulcast)
Chapter(s) : -
Screenplay | 藤田伸三 - Shinzō Fujita
Art | Dhavee Morato
Animation | 横山健次 - Kenji Yokoyama
Direction | 竹下健一 - Kenichi Takeshita
Storyboard | -
Art | Dhavee Morato
Animation | 横山健次 - Kenji Yokoyama
Direction | 竹下健一 - Kenichi Takeshita
Storyboard | -
Episode 1068 Preview
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