Let's take that to the extreme shall we. We both share the value that women should have the right of vote, right ?
Im not in favor of voting as a means to elect politicians
the average person tends to not be educated enough on issues for their opinions have any weight
it's like having science decided by uneducated masses instead of the people who studied these topics for years
but under the current system we have right now yea think women should get the same rights as their male counterparts
so yea agree with the position you have to a certain degree but as im anti democracy dont really support the system to begin with
i think agreeing on some things arent the same as sharing the same wider belief system
something we clearly dont have
And this has always been the case with me with regards to me opposing democracy
it's nothing new
That's why democrate are not leftist. They do share values of feminism, but there core value principle rely on the ideology of liberalism which uncompass individualistic value. Which are RIGHT WING values. (no judgments, that just the fact, as leftist values are the opposite)
Kinda already explained this
it aint the same case as man we agree on this topic but not another, it's generally the same beliefs that you share even excluding femminism like the views on gun rights or lgbt or abortion
it's nearly everything if you and a leftist politician sat down, you would likely end up agreeing on everything which aint the case for me and you
We are the same on specfic issues as you and hitler would be
eg grass is green and dogs are pets
like kinda self evident stuff
not to say your a nazi, just that everyone agrees on shit
but were talking about agreeing on common sense stuff, were talking about very group centered positions that are generally only argued by one group and not the entire planet much in the same way grass is green would be green to most of the world who arent color blind
Here you have in dark blue the right wing, with the far right at the very bottom. And you get the Left wing at the top with the far left at the very top. In the very top you have communism and the very bottom you have fascism.
Why would you have the right wing
be blue
when voting red typically means voting republican ie right eing
how does this choice even make sense
Kinda buy into horseshoe theory with regards to poltitical compasses
like the further both sides go, they alike they become eg censorship of media and dislike of sexuality
Also think a model like this could work too
and can add more
like adding the normal right wing and normal left wing closer to the center not far left
like in the middle of center and it's far counterpart
but it's just a example for a poltitical compass
This is why you are the sum of your variable and values. And in that "median" there is no center. No.. Let me correct that, there is a center, but its IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE EVERY VALUE AT THE CENTER. So you can't be centrist. The summary of your values will make you either a leftist, or rightist.
Centrist is not hardcore sitting on ether side
so yea your values can lean more right or lean more left but generally centrist will have a mix of both where a rightist and leftist will solely stick to their favorite football team so you are correct in saying they have no poltitical belief
hence the mems of the enlightened centrist, it's just making fun of the fact that we are generally seen as thinking were smarter
but yea the lack of belief kinda allows us ie centrists to look at things at a issue to issue basis rather then the beliefs/culture mentality that your going to have ether as a left or right winger
Agreed on the point pretty well just not on the interpretation you have which would be that there is no centrist position
Leaning left but still being on the center means as example that you arent apart of the left's group but you share more of their beliefs then you do the right however you still have right wing beliefs but it's just more overwhemingly left then it would be right
as a centrist, you kinda have both set of beliefs right or left so you fall in middle not hardcore on ether side
Actually, there is one side that avoid informations for good reason, the others adds informations for bad reasons.
rules for thee and not for me
it's fine when my team does it but not my opposing team
my opposition = wrong when doing the same exact as me
if you asked a right winger who certainly have basis towards his group/ belief yknow what he would say
it's right to exclude information cause it's for a good reason
ofc protecting your own skin is a good reason for any person but im not going to take ether of your groups seriously when you lie and literally self admittedly right now manipulate evidence to exclude things that look bad for you
I get the right wing does it too
but that's like saying my friend is murderer so me murdering aswell is okay
just because both sides are dishonest, does not mean that dishonesty is a okay thing
Yeah.. I tried also the "I must read from both right wing and left wing media outlet"... Didn't work very well..
I understand the flaws in my approach
both are biased as hell sources however both sources are gonna exclude or include things as convenient to them
If it turns out, a right winger was exposed for something bad
I wouldt find that news on a right wing channel only a left wing one or vice versa if a leftist is exposed
point being here
it's a better approach then anything else but it's best you got when there are so few neutral or apolitical sources ie just saying the news on these topics in a non politically slanted way
most of the people
im aware of are ether leaning right or left hardcore
I dont really know any neutral commentators
like they would say five people were killed in a shooting and just state the fact of the matter without going actually this proves we actually need more guns or actually need less guns
like the neutral viewing, Is just stating what happened without adding your politically charged takes
(I suggest for example some leftist youtubers)
I already watch leftist youtubers
vaush,destiny and nederthal
Those guys are far beyong nationalism, they are crypto fascist..
Wtf does crypto fascist even mean
that are fascists but have crypto currency or something
why do you say these weird terms that pretty only you know and then expect me to understand like it's commonly used phrase or something
jesus and some of the things, it's things you cant even find results for on google like confuionist
you cant make up words or use terms nobody but you knows about
then expect me to understand like it's just basic abc's
Anyhow yea im doubting crowder really is facist
the kinda vaush lv take of labeling all poltitical enemies as this would just be incoherent
I think if we got to explaining what the values of what facist would be
you would see that most of these people you dislike arent facists
I mean as example hitler was a very top down goverment kinda guy much unlike the right who are generally pro small governments
it's just a example of how the point does not really follow when you look at it critically
You need to understand that confusionnism is not a belief system. Its a militant concept that we all use in france (I'm just trying to popularize the word internationaly). It describe a real process : the process of confusing a discourse to appeal to a popular audience.
since when would me of all people
be a populist?
I have very much opposed the masses on many things example fought the entirety of the god of war wiki on if myths apply or not, debated a whole forum on if piccolo daimao was planet lv or not
ofc this is not related to politics but it's the general point
I have never really been a guy to appeal to the people
Again.... again... again... with the "you call X, everyone that disagree with you". .Mate.. Make an effort.
I mean that's what you do
the right does it too tho
I get it but the right is also biased as shit as even you would agree
so yea you guys are both wrong
SOrry I didn't understand
im saying what im talking about can solidly describe a group
your points are inteionally vague so you can fit anyone in any box you like
people im to hate = nazi or far right
people im to like = leftist
Which is to say, im trying to talk about reality and what your doing is being non crital so you can lump everyone in whatever group is most convenient for your ideology
So technically yeah.. we made it up.. just like a lot of things in Europe lol
not saying like we as a collective
im saying you in particular man
i cant find nothing in google on this confusionist stuff
which makes it seem like you personally just made it up
Here we go again with the sexist biases..
nothing said there was sexist
it was just explaining a flaw in your group's thinking by extensions yours as you are apart of the group
gonna respond to the point or no?
I didt say anything about hating women or men
I mean man if you wanted
I could go on a long tangent about my many great experiences with ether gender
However, I didt write a long paragraph explaining my poor relationship with my mother or whatever, I just told you about how your position does not follow from itself
You see that there is a problem with patriarchy (men CAN'T cry when they want to) and you don't put 2 and 2 together, you blame it on women and not patriarchy.
it's women that wont date weak guys
who cry or are not secure
So guys hold back their feelings as were burned when we open up to anyone
1. Patriarchy is the system of women being oppressed by the power of men.
you cant quantify that
listen man
your belief is nonsense if you think me who struggles at getting by living check to check really has any power in opressing anyone then your just delusional
ofc it's a anecdote example
but there are plenty of dudes who lack any sort of power in society and despite that you would say they opress and control women so much wonder why if men as a whole control women like slaves or whatever then why do incels exist
Dudes cant get laid or find any female affection yet somehow are the bosses of society and control the same women who wont do as they please
you see how bat shit this sounds when you really lay it out straight?
the people who control everything arent bossing everything around instead their sucidal and misreable
what a ruling class of people, they control everything yet live and act as if that's not the case almost like your wrong or something
the left and the right are not equal in value for me)
Yea but that's because you are on the left
you arent going to think a belief that you have deep down is wrong or equal in value to your enemy regard;ess if it in reality was the case or not
you emotionally couldt accept it as true even it was so this kinda point means nothing
in the same case, the right winger would say we arent equal value
im better
much like how you did
And the problem though, your thinking this not because of the validity of the point but because you are the on the left team
ofc this belief you have aint wrong, it's your belief
there's no way someone like you could adress this claim honestly cause you yourself are too biased for your team to do so again the right is much the same way because nobody really wants to admit a religion they bought into full sale on literally was entirely full of shit
it's a sunken cost fallacy
you already invested so much in this belief of yours that even if it was wrong, you couldt bring yourself to accept it
Like I told you, I'm always connected to scientific sources, left wing field militantism, neutral (as possible) news outlets and especially women, a LOT of women.
Random women are a scientific source
I dont see women as being right or a moral good as leftists and tradcons do
they are just another person not anymore keen on issues then a average dude really
only difference is the kinda poltitical nature that women are often viewed under as opposed to mem
but that's a left politicizing the female sex thing more then it would a right wing thing, they do it too but not so much as the left
and news outlets tend to have alot of biases eg fox news for the right and cnn for the left
they arent really a scientific source
or you going to say cnn is scientific source? Cause they agreee with you?
as if science means agreeing with the left
Wuat ?
your saying gays are opressed so if im to like femboys
does that make me opressed even if it's entirely closeted and nobody knows
yes or no
he right wing is all far right lol. They are kinda screwing themself in fact..
if every right wing is far right
then that just means far right is term used for all the right
Aint that kinda proving my it's a shaming tactic thing right
Just try this on twitter: create a new account and follow 100 individual:
they banned me for getting in a heated debate with a femminist women
I went by nob the noob
it was before my alias as bob was used
so a good bit ago really
AND CAREFUL, you must ABSOLUTELY have a rule: You must have the SAME number of WOMEN & MEN (societies don't count)
there arent even many women in the fields
you talked about as compared to men
letalone in the spaces im personally interested within
like video games or anime
it's generally just male only spaces because the interests im to have are mostly male centric due to me being a man
Come on .. try it, just to prove me wrong at least.
They banned my alts
I tried making before tbh