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Gorosei Informer

Doctor, I am the Great Clown Pagliacci

(I tried to get GPT to make a parody of the Pagliacci story/speech but it TROLLED the fuck out of me LMAO! I was writing a parody of "Fort Boyard" with Bogard and a lot of WG staff/members with it before, so its using that as a basis for this and made this instead based on my request:)

(In a dimly lit room, the troubled forum user Ghostly turns to the wise mod, Bogard, and confesses his despair.)

Ghostly: I don't know, Bogard. I feel lost in these forums. Every theory seems pointless, every thread too convoluted, every fan too passionate. I just don't enjoy One Piece discussions anymore. What can I do?

Bogard ponders for a moment, his avatar reflecting a sense of solemn understanding. He responds:

Bogard: You know Ghostly, in times like these, I am reminded of a tale. A tale of an Admiral Stan known as Kinyagi.

Ghostly: Kinyagi? Who's that?

Bogard: Ah, Kinyagi! A fan known for his unwavering loyalty to the Admirals of the One Piece world. A user whose theories on Admiral Kizaru's speed or Admiral Fujitora's gravity could light up even the dullest of threads. Whenever someone felt lost or uninspired, they would turn to Kinyagi's posts and find a new perspective, a new debate to engage with, a new joy for One Piece.

Ghostly: He sounds just like what I need. I'll read his posts then!

Bogard: But here's the tragedy, Ghostly...

(Bogard takes a dramatic pause before revealing the twist)

Bogard: Kinyagi is you.

(Ghostly is silent, staring at his screen in disbelief. The room is filled with the heavy irony of the revelation. Bogard leaves Ghostly with his thoughts, the cursor blinking ominously on the screen.)

Bogard: Sometimes Ghostly, the inspiration we seek from others, we must find in ourselves. You're Kinyagi, Ghostly, and it's high time you rediscover your passion for One Piece and the Admirals you so admire.

(Ghostly is left alone in the digital silence, contemplating the heavy revelation as he begins typing a new thread: "The Admirals: A New Perspective".)

@CoC: Color of Clowns

This is how I imagine @Mr. Reloaded or @Nekomamushi wake up every morning:

Holy fuck, talking to @Shimotsuki Ghostly about the Teletubbies made me realize that when I was a child, I thought the Baby Sun was the God of the Teletubbies' realm.

Luffy's future right here! But not as a baby ofc! Unless?...
