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Are you forgetting that you dismissed the flavour being a real factor on the basis of it being a Fuji game?
I didn’t dismiss it lol. I actually did the opposite mentioning how he loves JJK and that’s why I thought he was going extra hard on flavor spec

And not really, by all means qualify how the read doesn't work without the extrapolation then - I'm saying you've had nothing of note but your one read was phoned in and you made sure to telegraph this was by design, which is the exception I take with your play. I can see you already setting up an OMGUS read here - don't bother.
The read was his entrance didn’t seem excited to play. The extrapolation was me acknowledging it’s a flavor he doesn’t like and it may influence his excitement which isn’t what you said I was doing.
Prof states his read is based off lack of excitement, he's not reading into this post so much as he's reading into what's absent, so this framing seems disingenuous.

At the same time, from what I know one-posting and then leaving isn't really outside Conq's town range. But I could see this exact post coming from you if this were, say, Psychic's entrance. So for me this is only a bad read if his expectations can be established as such.
To be clear I don’t hard scum read Conq for that, and I don’t rule out he can be town and I think I can read him lol. But Ekko asked me for any thoughts and that’s the main thing that stuck out at the time


The End and the Beginning
Prof states his read is based off lack of excitement, he's not reading into this post so much as he's reading into what's absent, so this framing seems disingenuous.

At the same time, from what I know one-posting and then leaving isn't really outside Conq's town range. But I could see this exact post coming from you if this were, say, Psychic's entrance. So for me this is only a bad read if his expectations can be established as such.
Well no, for one I think "lack of excitement" is already a stretch from a single post saying "I'm here". And again he makes sure to leave outs so yeah it's pretty underwhelming. There is also another factor here that I've neglected to mention - he has no town reads on players I think he should have them on.

Also I've never tried to one post Psychic and I don't think Conq is as polarised as she can be so uh, dismissed!


The End and the Beginning
The read was his entrance didn’t seem excited to play. The extrapolation was me acknowledging it’s a flavor he doesn’t like and it may influence his excitement which isn’t what you said I was doing.
Again, you dismissed this under the premise that it was a Fuji game.


The End and the Beginning
Also I've never tried to one post Psychic and I don't think Conq is as polarised as she can be so uh, dismissed!
That said I can see Prof being confident enough in reading Conq to believe that he is polarised like she is, but Ultra has no reason to make that equivalence.
Well no, for one I think "lack of excitement" is already a stretch from a single post saying "I'm here". And again he makes sure to leave outs so yeah it's pretty underwhelming. There is also another factor here that I've neglected to mention - he has no town reads on players I think he should have them on.

Also I've never tried to one post Psychic and I don't think Conq is as polarised as she can be so uh, dismissed!
It's not a stretch if a player has alignment based difference in motivation and entrance. Maybe so if the lines are a bit more obscure, but if Naomi/Psychic had done that and then peaced that would be enough. But that's also the bar - if Conq isn't super obvious that's out the window, and I don't really think he is.


The End and the Beginning
Your original case was I was using someone bunk to solidify my read and now you’re saying I was hedging it with the same statement
I haven't made a case, firstly - it's far too early for that. Nothing I originally said implied you wasn't hedging lol - you very clearly were by mentioning it was a one post read. Now that doesn't mean you're scum, but when it's the only read you've offered it makes me do a think.


The End and the Beginning
It's not a stretch if a player has alignment based difference in motivation and entrance. Maybe so if the lines are a bit more obscure, but if Naomi/Psychic had done that and then peaced that would be enough. But that's also the bar - if Conq isn't super obvious that's out the window, and I don't really think he is.
Okay but there is a difference between someone being like Naomi and reading into someone saying that they were in the thread at that point to determine this. Also I don't really think that's the case for Conq and you were just in a game where he was town and super inactive for large stretches so..
I haven't made a case, firstly - it's far too early for that. Nothing I originally said implied you wasn't hedging lol - you very clearly were by mentioning it was a one post read. Now that doesn't mean you're scum, but when it's the only read you've offered it makes me do a think.
I’m not gonna semantic on what a case is lol (I think reasons for a read is a case)

But basically I’m saying you didn’t mention hedging at first, but said I did something I didn’t and why that impacted your read. I corrected it. Then you just moved the goal post to saying the hedging was scummy without even conceding or correcting the original thought
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