If this doesn’t happen now that you’ve put this in my head, I’m going to be so disappointed. This feels like a stellar opportunity for Drake to return tbh to save his subordinates (and with SMOKER IN TOW?? and others???). MAN. I wish.
Right?! I don't have a lot of faith given Oda's writing these days but I strongly refuse to believe he's done with Drake and some certain other Supernovas and they won't be returning/relevant again and actually get se much needed wins and feats.
Since Drake is the Captain of Sword, surely this must be the best opportunity for him to show up and take action?
He parallels Kuzan in leaving the Marines too. Now we know he's in Sword and thus not a Marine officially anymore, it makes things even more interesting with him.
Oda intertwined his backstory with Law for a reason too. Whatever that is lol.
Drake is such an interesting, noble/good hearted, enigmatic character, one of the hardest I find to read/understand and predict what Oda wants to do with him but he always does something interesting at least.
Him begging Luffy to ally with him and having trust and faith in him because of his friend and fellow Sword member/Marine Koby was really sweet.
Koby is the kind of Marine that Drake and Smoker would appreciate and respect as they're all good hearted, noble people/Marines. Koby kinda reminds me of Tashigi too lol.
It would be so amazing if Drake and Smoker could show up especially with awakenings and they help Koby and co escape successfully but also maybe save Garp ideally and cause massive chaos and damage to the BB pirates and their island.
Drakes dinosaur form and fighting style would be great vs Pizarro especially or even San Juan Wolf.
I'm not sure how Smokers smoke would interact vs Vascos liquor powers and fire-breathing but I'd love to see it.
Smoker could cause the ultimate, most useful and literal smokescreen so they can rescue Garp and get away safely too.
I apologise for getting your hopes up in case we don't see 2 of the best Marines show up here but you're so right too, Drake SHOULD be here especially/regardless.
With Tashigi there but no Smoker at all, not even a single mention of him, that is extremely surprising! I don't even remember them being separated like this?!
In fact I'm gonna get Chat GPT to write Drake and Smoker at Beehive especially if Lolda doesn't do it LMAO!
I will try to do them Justice even if Oda won't!