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Certified Memelord
If Conq isn't responding then lets just CFD him. If Flower doesn't prove herself, truth tell or not, then she can get vigged or day 2 lynched.
shes obviously going to "prove herself" thats what she wants u to fall for, its her fake claim or her ability thats shes gna sell as townie. the claim doesnt absolve her from shit
I rather get lynched than give in to people being such assholes they imply I would lie about sth I never have and never will lie about. Because apparently I'm a shit person now.
I rather get lynched than give in to people being such assholes they imply I would lie about sth I never have and never will lie about. Because apparently I'm a shit person now.
Flower, there is a viable counter wagon with Conq. If you aren't willing to claim I can't help you here after everything is said and done. Please, fully claim.
he still hasnt responded? (tbh i dont remember what was ur question to him)
shud atleast respond b4 subbing out
still yeeting flower. strenghten ur resolve soldier
He said I reeked in response to Dest talking about my one post of him, and said everything that ensued after that was complete nonsense. I asked why it reeked and what was nonsense and why

Also asked why he’s not no other observations on catch up
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