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Day 1 ends
Swallow has been activated

@Flower / ??? has been lynched!

Day 1 ends

Night 1 begins

You have 24 hours to send your actions

Swallow has been activated

@Flower / ??? has been lynched!

Day 1 ends

Night 1 begins

You have 24 hours to send your actions

Due to irl stuff Im going to have to delay the start of day 2 until tomorrow 3PM EST.

Thanks for your understanding guys.

Actions are locked.

Day 2 starts
Night 1 Massacre:

The Red Mafia killed @Orwellian / Trainer Orwellian

You are Trainer Orwellian!

Target a failed ability and acquire it, excludes killshots. (2 shots)

Swallow: Janitor a lynch or kill and absorb one of their abilities as a one shot. ( 1 shot)

Metronome: Randomly use one of the used abilities from Town/Anti town or Indies. (1 shot)

Amnesia: Forget your role and learn a new one, but you retain your wincons and excludes anti town roles. Only usable after half the town is dead.​

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town!
The Orange Mafia killed @Ultra / Trainer Ultra

You are Trainer Ultra!

Dragon Tail:
Target a player and redirect them towards another.
Metal Claw: Target a player and downgrade their passive defenses.

Killing abilities targetting you are downgraded.
Revenge: If 3 town players died you may activate this ability to target a player with a kill.
Scary Face: Target a player and prevent them from looking for pokemon that cycle.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town!

Brick Break was used on ???
Grassy Terrain was used on ???
Mega Absorb was activated
Odor Sleuth was used on ???
Spirit Link was used on ???
Spite was used on ???
Metronome was used on ???
Feint Attack was used to kill @Destroya / Trainer Destroya

You are Trainer Destroya!

Sticky Hold:
Your items and Pokemon cannot be stolen.
Water Shuriken: At night target a player and kill them. If you target them again it will become a super kill.

Sheer Force:
Your abilities cannot be roleblocked.
Horn Attack: Target a player and destroy one of their x-shots.( 3 shot)

Dragon Rage:
Target a player and destroy any active protection they might have.( 2 shot)

Target a player and freeze them, delaying their actions for a phase.( 3 shot)

Sword Dance:
Skip the delayed effect of water shuriken. However Water Shuriken goes on cooldown for 2 cycles.

Flame wheel:
Target a players and destroy an ability from each.( 2 shot)
Flame Whip: ???

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town!

Sweet Kiss was used on ???
Flame Charge was used on ???
Baton Pass was used on ???
Dragon Rage was used on ???
Water Shuriken was used to kill @Kagu Nyan / Trainer KaguPagu

You are Trainer KaguPagu!

Powder Snow:
Target a player and freeze their ability to buy items for a cycle.(2 shot)
Ice Shard:
Target a player and freeze one of their abilities for a cycle.(2 shot)
Weak Armor:
If targetted by a harmful action your next action will be unstopable.

Icy wind:
Target a Pokémon Route and Freeze it, making it so players are unable to visit it for a cycle. ( 2 shot)
Aurora Veil:
Freeze the item shop for a cycle. ( 2 shot)
Play Nice:
Target a player and prevent them from using any killing ability for a phase. ( 2 shot)

:Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town
Horn Attack was used on ???
Future Sight was used on ???
Quick Attack was activated
Tail Whip was used on ???
Destiny Bond was used on ???
Cursed Body was activated
Lick was used on ???
Night Shade was used on ???
Sludge Bomb was used on ???
Torrent was activated
Whirlpool was used on ???
Facade was used on ??? and ???
Death Gaze was used on ???
Cross Chop was used on ???
High Jump Kick was used on ???
Lava Plume was used on ???
Hyper Beam was used on ???
Crunch was used on ???
Protect was used on ???
Earthquake was used on ???, ??? and ???
Confuse Ray was used on ???
Charm was used on ???
String Shot was used on ???
Haunt was used on ???
Volt Switch was used on ??? and ???
Magnetic Terrain was used on ??? and ???
Meteor Mash was used on ???

Day 2 starts
You have 48 hours to discuss

@Flower is subbing in for @ConquistadoR

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