Powers & Abilities Roger isn’t a swordsman

Imagine the strongest swordsman ever (Roger) not making a black blade :suresure: ?

Yeah sure he is a swordsman like Mihawk and Ryuma

"The strongest Swordsman ever"
Source: Rayan00 × Fabrizio Romano

•Roger beeing a Swordsman with no Black Blade pretty much means that he was a Swordsman who is NOT stronger than Mihawk and Prime Ryuma...

•Where comes this myth from that Roger HAS to bethe strongesrt Swordsman ever??

•Prime Ryuma & Mihawk>Roger>Shanks is way more than possible and doesent contradict anythint at all.

-Oda mentioned Mihawks Name calling him a "Legend among Men" alongside Whitebeard in a Sbs.

Go remind yourself and read it !
https://flic.kr/p/2opDB9P https://flic.kr/p/2opDevA
My friend, it's been a day.
I posted a source where it says duel, you say otherwise but bring no evidence other than your opinion.

I think they may have looked at it, but it's not written by Oda. It's not about cherry picking, I only read Manga and what Oda himself says. I don't even consider the anime fully canon, because if Oda wanted something to go in a certain way or to show something, he'd have written it that way.
I am not supporting any specific agenda my friend.
Really, you keep addressing my agenda, but literally I am in One Piece for the story only.
ill hunt down the old mangastream translation for you

Oda not wring it is not the point, the point is Oda and his team gave it the green light meaning the novel is canon, the same as the databooks, magazines and vivre cards. these additional materials use information that was omitted from the manga and even additional information that Oda never planned to touch on, this information is then used to give us the readers more lore of the verse.

Ace the name of Roger's sword is given in the vivre card and Oda didnt write that, so i guess to you Roger's sword doesnt have a name?
oh wait you did say you dont cherry pick right?

You are being agenda driven, by the very fact you pick and chose what canon to you!
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Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
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ill hunt down the old mangastream translation for you

Oda not wring it is not the point, the point is Oda and his team gave it the green light meaning the novel is canon, the same as the databooks, magazines and vivre cards. these additional materials use information that was omitted from the manga and even additional information that Oda never planned to touch on, this information is then used to give us the readers more lore of the verse.

Ace the name of Roger's sword is given in the vivre card and Oda didnt write that, so i guess to you Roger's sword doesnt have a name?
oh wait you did say you dont cherry pick right?

You are being agenda driven, by the very fact you pick and chose what canon to you!
Let's take a step back, I decide what's canon for me, I fully agree with your view on this.
And I don't want you to waste time on this for me, I understand your persspective, but at the end of the day, does it really matter?

Yesterday you spoke about common sense, so let me try to explain my perspective. I don't consider canon what's not in the Manga or in an SBS or generally directly from Oda just because I consider that the Author is the only one entitled to decide what is true and what is not.

In my perspective, a vivre card, or a book or other external material, is just narrative fluff that serves 0 point towards the story, it's just to add details. But since Oda didn't think these details, but a third party outside of the creative stream of Oda did it, and Oda approved it because in the end it doesn't matter, I don't consider it canon.

Of course, if a Vivre card says that Ace is called Ace after the sword, I have no problem saying that that is true, but I will also be sure that it will ahve 0 actual repercussion on the plot, and as such I consider it.. Accessory, in a way. I don't consider Dragonball GT canon, just like I don't consider Super canon. It's cherry picking? I understand, but at least I explained the logic behind it.

Hopefully you'll have a nice sunday. I would have preferred talking with you without insults yesterday, because differently from Rain you are acutally replying to what I write.
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Let's take a step back, I decide what's canon for me, I fully agree with your view on this.
And I don't want you to waste time on this for me, I understand your persspective, but at the end of the day, does it really matter?

Yesterday you spoke about common sense, so let me try to explain my perspective. I don't consider canon what's not in the Manga or in an SBS or generally directly from Oda just because I consider that the Author is the only one entitled to decide what is true and what is not.

In my perspective, a vivre card, or a book or other external material, is just narrative fluff that serves 0 point towards the story, it's just to add details. But since Oda didn't think these details, but a third party outside of the creative stream of Oda did it, and Oda approved it because in the end it doesn't matter, I don't consider it canon.
Ace, Gryphon, Murakumogiri, Devil Fruit names, most bounties are all from vivre cards.

Then since you only accept manga and SBS since they are directly from Oda, i take it none of the stuff i listed above is canon to you since Oda didnt directly say it himself then?

Of course, if a Vivre card says that Ace is called Ace after the sword, I have no problem saying that that is true, but I will also be sure that it will ahve 0 actual repercussion on the plot, and as such I consider it.. Accessory, in a way. I don't consider Dragonball GT canon, just like I don't consider Super canon. It's cherry picking? I understand, but at least I explained the logic behind it.

Hopefully you'll have a nice sunday. I would have preferred talking with you without insults yesterday, because differently from Rain you are acutally replying to what I write.
If you accept that Roger's sword is Ace then why you refuse other information from vivre cards, data books and the Ace novel?
Laugh Tale's writen name was canonically shown in a movie, there are many other things that are not from the manga or SBS, you cant then pick and chose what's canon to you depending on your agenda, its all canon or none is canon!

Yesterday i was really getting annoyed at you for saying headcanons and workarounds as fact when you perfectly knew roger and Shanks are the same type of swordsmen as Mihawk and Zoro.

Anyway lets end it here, its pointless to keep going around in circles when factually Oda has already stated who is and who isnt a swordsman and has already told us who is the strongest among all of them.
this picture should have killed this whole debate to begin with


Lazy is the way
"The strongest Swordsman ever"
Source: Rayan00 × Fabrizio Romano

•Roger beeing a Swordsman with no Black Blade pretty much means that he was a Swordsman who is NOT stronger than Mihawk and Prime Ryuma...

•Where comes this myth from that Roger HAS to bethe strongesrt Swordsman ever??

•Prime Ryuma & Mihawk>Roger>Shanks is way more than possible and doesent contradict anythint at all.

-Oda mentioned Mihawks Name calling him a "Legend among Men" alongside Whitebeard in a Sbs.

Go remind yourself and read it !
https://flic.kr/p/2opDB9P https://flic.kr/p/2opDevA
So you think Mihawk is stronger than WB ?

And you think the PK in a pirate story and the MC goal is weaker than Zoro goal ?


Lazy is the way
Whitebeard was stronger than Roger. Whitebeard>Mihawk>Roger all extreme diffing each other ofc
So WB and Roger said being equal numerous times doesn’t mean anything ?

Roger was the PK, MC goal, has the biggest feats in the verse (being PK, fighting Garp, fighting WB, beating Xebec), straw hats etc etc

His portrayal is 100% above Mihawk

Only WB has a claim
So you think Mihawk is stronger than WB ?

And you think the PK in a pirate story and the MC goal is weaker than Zoro goal ?

But Fabrizio can talk about that better than me
Luffy and Zoro are not limited to Roger, they will surpass JoyBoy and Ryuma who were far above the level of Roger

All you are doing is making excuses and that is already dumb if you look at the plot of the manga, Luffy's limit is not just beating the yonko and being PK its beating Imu and fulfilling his dream that everyone laughs at and Zoro's limit is not just beating every right hand and being just another vice captain, its beating Mihawk and being the strongest ever to keep his promise to Kuina.

You, Frabrizio, Noodle and the other delusional can talk all you want, Luffy will be top 1 in the history of the verse and Zoro will be the strongest swordsman ever in the verse!
So you think Mihawk is stronger than WB ?

And you think the PK in a pirate story and the MC goal is weaker than Zoro goal ?
Also Luffys greatest Ability is gathering Allies.
His Goal isnt purely focused on strength unlike Zoros. Zoros mastered ACoC way faster than Luffy. Zoros Ability to grow is more significant than Luffys. Luffy had to beat Cracker/Doffy to be able to later on again have an extreme diff fight vs Katakuri. Meanwhile Zoro only had to master his Haki mid fight to beat someone stronger than Katakuri by ending him with 3 ACoC Hits... Zoros Talent in growing his Will/Haki Strength is higher than Luffys who gets carried by his devil fruit
Luffy and Zoro are not limited to Roger, they will surpass JoyBoy and Ryuma who were far above the level of Roger

All you are doing is making excuses and that is already dumb if you look at the plot of the manga, Luffy's limit is not just beating the yonko and being PK its beating Imu and fulfilling his dream that everyone laughs at and Zoro's limit is not just beating every right hand and being just another vice captain, its beating Mihawk and being the strongest ever to keep his promise to Kuina.

You, Frabrizio, Noodle and the other delusional can talk all you want, Luffy will be top 1 in the history of the verse and Zoro will be the strongest swordsman ever in the verse!
Roger > Yonko > Ryuma

What does this have to do with Roger not being swordsman?
Roger isn't the strongest character when we have likes of Ryuma Joyboy Rocks goofy goal goes beyond surpassing the pk. Recently it was revealed he even has secret dream
Also Luffys greatest Ability is gathering Allies.
His Goal isnt purely focused on strength unlike Zoros. Zoros mastered ACoC way faster than Luffy. Zoros Ability to grow is more significant than Luffys. Luffy had to beat Cracker/Doffy to be able to later on again have an extreme diff fight vs Katakuri. Meanwhile Zoro only had to master his Haki mid fight to beat someone stronger than Katakuri by ending him with 3 ACoC Hits... Zoros Talent in growing his Will/Haki Strength is higher than Luffys who gets carried by his devil fruit
Go read sword piece

Stop ruining this thread with useless zoro wank
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So WB and Roger said being equal numerous times doesn’t mean anything ?

Roger was the PK, MC goal, has the biggest feats in the verse (being PK, fighting Garp, fighting WB, beating Xebec), straw hats etc etc

His portrayal is 100% above Mihawk

Only WB has a claim
Can you guys please stick to the topic?

Roger vs Mihawk isn't the topic here
Is Roger a swordsman ? Yes as someone that uses the Sword as his main weapon

Is Roger a swordsman like Zoro, Mihawk and Ryuma ? Probably not and we'll get an explanation what's the difference between them (tied to a Black blade).

Also. Ryokugyu doesn't have a BB. I hope most people realise this is just an agenda driven thing.


Lazy is the way
Roger isn't the strongest character when we have likes of Ryuma Joyboy Rocks goofy goal goes beyond surpassing the pk. Recently it was revealed he even has secret dream
I totally agree that Roger is below Imu and Joyboy
Maybe Xebec but for now I have WB/Roger a shade above him.

but except those 3 I think Roger thematically is the strongest
Go read sword piece

Stop ruining this thread with useless zoro wank
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Can you guys please stick to the topic?

Roger vs Mihawk isn't the topic here

So you gonna run away when someone confronts you with stuff which goes along with the Manga? Great. No wonder you have no Idea what youre talking about :milaugh:
Is Roger a swordsman ? Yes as someone that uses the Sword as his main weapon

Is Roger a swordsman like Zoro, Mihawk and Ryuma ? Probably not and we'll get an explanation what's the difference between them (tied to a Black blade).

Also. Ryokugyu doesn't have a BB. I hope most people realise this is just an agenda driven thing.
Oda never said that as requirement to be Swordsman.
King uses a swords as his main weapon, Wb uses his blade as main weapon...

You're a swordman if you say so
If you trained since childhood in swordmanship and live the way of the sword
Oda never said that as requirement to be Swordsman.
King uses a swords as his main weapon, Wb uses his blade as main weapon...

You're a swordman if you say so
If you trained since childhood in swordmanship and live the way of the sword
King is a killing machine as stated. He uses any means possible to kill his oponnent.
Rigged Sword, spikes, punch, kicks etc.

Roger and Shanks have never shown any of that. Their fighting style is swordsmanship.
Oda never said that as requirement to be Swordsman.
King uses a swords as his main weapon, Wb uses his blade as main weapon...

You're a swordman if you say so
If you trained since childhood in swordmanship and live the way of the sword
You don't name your child same as your sword if you don't treat your sword like a child. You're a prime example of empty vessels make the most noise. So keep crying