He posted cropped explicit porn despite bring banned before, MULTIPLE warnings and 2nd chances that he was given and the 2nd chances he begged for and all the constant lies, grandstanding, false promises gloating etc so yeah...

He's banned for 2 months now. Thank fuck. Or "thank staff" especially.

Idk why Goat is so extremely addicted to this, it's genuinely some kind of psychological issue at this point. He needs help, seriously.

He was fine until he started doing this. I liked him and spoke fondly of him before this.

There were annoying things he did but he balanced it out with good things too. Now his ego is extremely inflated and overcompensating for something.

He changed a lot and not for the better. It's a shame.

I have ideas on why he does this, especially involving deep insecurities and addiction to validation and attention but that's just assumptions. I don't know what goes on in his head and why he's so insistent on acting like this now.

I hope when he returns he finally calms down and has some genuine humility, honesty, authenticity and self restraint for his own good too.
i think he does it to troll and you are seeing stuff that is not there...just saying...