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its facts dude .
ZOro will NEVER defeat an admiral before luffy do it.
You guys always want change the manga for make zoro look good but Oda will not do it .
What sort of cope is this?
If y'all believe Yonkou>Admiral
Luffy already fought kaido , Zoro next stop after YC1 is admiral or Yonkou. There's nothing in between
What’s the physics of this Mother flame thing exactly

So this hole that the weapon creates doesn’t like create a space where water falls into… It literally displaces the matter that existed there and permanently created like a Void that can’t be filled… Hence causing the water in the entire world to rise because there’s technically “less planet” for the water to occupy

Holy fucking shit… Unless Oda is doing his usual gag physics where we aren’t supposed to take anything that’s happening here seriously, this weapon is basically deleting space-time… it’s creating less Space… there is no hole for the water to fill up, there’s just “less planet” so the ocean gets pushed back instead and rises around the world

This is fucking busted… Unless it’s a gag
Actually if Kizaru is meant to go all out in Egghead, then his Awakening wouldn't be changing Island like Aokiji and Akainu because they have the mission to preserve it..
The thing with the Seraphim doesn't make sense to me.
Because it was said, someone of the same hierarchy can't overwrite the Seraphim (which always seemed very stupid - imagine you say something wrong and then you can't stop them lol) - only someone higher in the ladder and that would be only one of the five elder.
Now i am not sure, if the same person can't overwrite them or if they maybe can, but everyone else even on the same hierarchy can't.
For example York gave the order and only she can change it, but the other Vegapunks - even tho they are in the same hierarchy - can't. Or does that even include her?

Also, they can give them orders only in person, which brings the question, how she would re-write S-Bear, S-Hawk and S-Shark?
S-Snake should have been some what close. Unless once they figured out who gave them the order, they brought the Seraphim to her or the other way around.

Ussope is not turned to stone anymore, so either S-Snake turned him back, but for that someone would need to give her a new order or she got wrecked. But does her being K.O. means her power stops working? That shit was never consistent, sometimes it stops, sometimes it doesn't. Or maybe they got some technology to reverse it or something?

So right now, there is stil the possibility that the Seraphim got wrecked off screen or they just caught them or some shit.

But i would be really surprised if Oda actualy made them get defeated - off screen on top of that - after all the struggle.
You can tell them to stop but someone of the same heirachy as you can’t override your command
What sort of cope is this?
If y'all believe Yonkou>Admiral
Luffy already fought kaido , Zoro next stop after YC1 is admiral or Yonkou. There's nothing in between
I do not believe that yonko are stronger then admiral .
FOr me they are top tiers.
And luffy said he need to defeat the admirals and the yonkos .
Of course he will be the first one to beat a yonko and an admiral in his crew .
There is VA stronger then first commanders .
LikeI said stop trying change the story htis is not happening I can bet you my whole rent dude you take it ?
Btw, rising the sea level 1m is craaazy.

This kind of development only happens after approximately 100 years:

An international study led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists found that the global mean sea-level rise could exceed 1 metre by 2100 and 5 metres by 2300 if global targets on emissions are not achieved.
And Mother Flame rised the sea level on 1m directly. That's at least multi continental.
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