Anyone else finds Andrew Tate's downfall absolutely hilarious?

Yea youre right, I'll not waste more time on these imbeciles. They can keep crying all day long. Tate won.:gokulaugh:
Yea give no shits to their "OMG he manI pLPLTed" bs, there is something wrong with em to think the judge hasn't heard that shit for the last 9 or so months since these half-baked undercooked! unintellectual, and vapid accusations were formulated against him, with 3 countries involved in the case over him even.

Its quite odd honestly to be able to accuse him of the same shit.. It requires audacity surely entailed by stupidity and lack of self respect too that is.
Tate fans are either ignorant or downright retarded. This man has literally admitted to all his crimes on camera, flaunting them while talking about he's "untouchable". Now that he got charged for them he wants to play the victim :milaugh:

You don't have to be a Tate hater to think he's going to jail at this point
Anyone concerned with him (positively or negatively) is lame imo.
It is through attention that today's cancer known as socila media influencers survive on, and they don't really give a shit if you mention them because you like them or hate them. It's publicity, which translates to clicks amd then to revenue for them

If there's a criminal element to them, let the justice system do its thing. It will not be done through the court of popular opinion anyway
I for sure know I am more "alpha" than you
The first one in this Thread to claim to be alpha is a Tate hater. The irony.

I make way more money, I am way more attractive and I don't fucking looking up to some bald motherfucker with an accent for advice unlike your bitchass
I dont say its impossible, but statistically highly unlikely.

Also ever seen Tate enjoyer and Tate hater on the streets and compared them? No matter if male or female, those who are wise enough to see the values Tate brings are in general much more attractive and have their shit together, while you can already see how pathetic his haters are. Not generalizing, but on average thats the case.
Anyone concerned with him (positively or negatively) is lame imo.
It is through attention that today's cancer known as socila media influencers survive on, and they don't really give a shit if you mention them because you like them or hate them. It's publicity, which translates to clicks amd then to revenue for them

If there's a criminal element to them, let the justice system do its thing. It will not be done through the court of popular opinion anyway
Trust me when I say I really don't care about Tate I mean it. You can look at the amount of post I have in this thread, I bet half of them were in the last hour or so. To me he was always a stupid meme, but now that he's been charged I find it hilarious how his fans act like he's being persecuted despite there being hours of videos of him admitting to crimes.

At this point if Tate told them to drink the kool aid they would, how can I not make fun of their cult like devotion to one man? :milaugh:


The first one in this Thread to claim to be alpha is a Tate hater. The irony.
it was actually you, you braindead bitch

I did the report. Its not about whining. I'm also not offended even a bit by the words of you, believe me. But there is a certain manner that needs to be hold in this forum to not get out of control, and if people start with terms like "suck dick" or "pussy", there simply needs to be someone who steps in and slows that person down.

Its not alpha to lose manners and start insulting. Also I realized this thread is 0% up for discussions, cause all my efforts to start normal convos/discussions were stopped and ignored. Its simply full of Tate haters who only wait for someone to appear who defends Tate, just to mock that person. Really a sad and pathetic state y'all are in here. I understand what Tate meens when he talks about geeks.
The first one in this Thread to claim to be alpha is a Tate hater. The irony.

I dont say its impossible, but statistically highly unlikely.

Also ever seen Tate enjoyer and Tate hater on the streets and compared them? No matter if male or female, those who are wise enough to see the values Tate brings are in general much more attractive and have their shit together, while you can already see how pathetic his haters are. Not generalizing, but on average thats the case.
This beta cuck society needs more leaders like the Tates. They bring true value and important teachings, and what do his haters bring? Degeneracy and obsessed with made up stuff to accuse them of anything. Really pathetic lifes you got.
The only reason why I went low is because you did so first. Don't go around calling people betacucks or degenerates because they don't believe in your god and people won't call you out for how pathetic you probably are for worshipping him in the first place.
A few gems from this thread so far::ihaha:

This beta cuck society needs more leaders like the Tates. They bring true value and important teachings, and what do his haters bring? Degeneracy and obsessed with made up stuff to accuse them of anything. Really pathetic lifes you got.
You do know that people who have a business related to making money with using women (with their will) are also called pimps? Its not illegal unless you use underage girls or women against their will.
"using" women :lawsigh:
If you're such a pethetic piece of trash
Its a scam, but not illegal
The whole process was never about his cam girl business itself cause thats clear as the sky to everyone that that was not illegal
I for sure know I am more "alpha" than you because I make way more money, I am way more attractive and I don't fucking looking up to some bald motherfucker with an accent for advice unlike your bitchass
The only reason why I went low is because you did so first. Don't go around calling people betacucks or degenerates because they don't believe in your god and people won't call you out for how pathetic you probably are for worshipping him in the first place.
My only god is Allah. I defend Tate from false accusations cause he doesnt deserve this. Never considered myself to be a Tate follower! I just say we can all learn from his wisdom and teachings - I watch his videos from time to time just like I do with those of Jordan Peterson.

Also I was not calling out specific people with what you claim I did. I only talked about the general state of our society, and I doubt you can disagree that we are in betacuck dominant degenerate society in the west right now. Learn reading properly before accusing.