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so why do you even open the game with "iM nOt cAtCHinG uP" to go on and do it immediately so.
ISO'ing is a form of catching up...

funny though you want to try and shade me.
I ISO’d a few lowest posters, which is out of context completely and I wouldn’t call that catching up but you do you, princess.

Oh? Where did I shade you?

still haven't explained the shade on me. do you scum read me?
What shade? You shaded me for saying I wasn't leading town and I said you can go ahead if you like. Not playing these games with you, Ekko.

I have you as a slight wolf read. I think the way you opened up around me and Prof's slot, saying we were town but then quickly changing that read, as well as how you've approached Reloaded's slot, and I think Mono's slot as well (I'd have to check again), shows that you are having some struggles with content and where to place your suss.
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