You know?
I really wish Coronavirus was actually a deadly disease so that all the rich, old, out of shape, loser politicians had actually died from it.
Hey, if Corona wants to have a fourth round, can you check in both Trump and Biden's genocidal, racist, rapist asshole faces, so I don't have to see any shitheads telling me I should vote for these senile trash in 2024?
Rather than only kill people who don't have access to rich people drugs, like Monoclonal Antibodies? Thanks.
Would be really nice if deadly global pandemics were so deadly they actually killed the weakest, most pathetic pieces of the population. Since human are the only species on the planet that lets themselves get ruled by the worst of their species.
But, they won't die, because the eLite have rich people drugs, and we get cheap toxins.
@Admiral Maynard Tagging you because you're the only person who actually listens when I talk about how fucked modern medicine is, and because you're the only crazy bastard on this site besides me that actively hates genocidal shitholes. It means a lot that you also hate this shit, solis.
I swear this is the last time I'll tag you in the politics thread when I'm drunk and want to punch rich shitheads in the face with Gear 5 moves.