Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Man even this York thing is dumb af, like is noone questioning that part of Vegapunk personality wants to be a celestial dragon?

Is she going to die? Is she going to join the BBP and make more room for a new SH? Is she going to be some random extra enemy on WG side?

This all just looks like nonsense
Nah, Oda's setting it up well, IMO.

The Blackbeard pirate ship showed up BEFORE we skipped ahead a day. Look at what York says in the same chapter the Blackbeard ship shows up?

"Luckily, I had a contingency plan, just in case."

Okay, so, what it is? York contacted the Blackbeard pirates to rescue her, and I'd bet Catarina has already replaced someone, and it's possible Laffitte hypnotized someone as well.

When York screamed for help in the last chapter, I think she was talking to the Blackbeard Pirates, not the WG.

In this case, we'd have York join Blackbeard, and Lilith join the Straw Hats to get revenge on her.

Oda is slowly giving Blackbeard the pieces he needs to match the Straw Hats; Pudding to read Poneglyphs (Laffitte can hypnotize her into doing it once she awakens the power), now York to handle ancient technology and give him Void Century information.

The war of the Punks has just begun. Lilith has a bad personality, but she cares heavily about the other Punks, and I think she'll DESPISE York for her betrayal, setting up a fun rivalry. Genius old man girl vs genius old man girl, whooooooooooooooo!