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What was the error and what was his claim?
I asked the vig to abstain primarily because I didn't want to shoot themselves. The way the original role was written was that I had a one shot ability to reflect all actions at night back to their user, it was modified to state that it only reflects actions used on me after day had already ended.........
Claims Pekoms

Yea he claimed Pekoms with a Mirror role.

I agree. This lynch shouldn't be used to purge inactives.
Pekoms with a mirror role doesn't make sense.

Who's leading the charge on trying to CFD away from what's happening? Because Cal and Tac seems to have a bit of attention and moving away from that just to CFD and inactive feels pingy.

I remember in Aries' Batman game Ratchet led a mislynch on JW for being inactive and not around and he flipped town. Don't like people trying to dictate a direction towards an inactive right now. Let vig shoot that pool.


The Rogue Prince
No, but if you wanna save Cal you have the best chances by voting his direct counter wagon.
Because Prof and me are sick of being pushed around by him.
His tunnel and constantly calling me scum is pissing me off. He reads me way better when he‘s Town.
You do realize that TAC tunneling someone who had >suspicious gameplay< with regards to Ekko's claim... doesn't make him scum motivated, yeah?

"If you wanna save Cal best chance is by voting his direct counter wagon" :lawsigh:
Okay, I think switching to someone like UWU will not tell us much.

Cal and TAC at last will give us some information for tomorrow.
I'd say talking care of inactives this night is a better option than CFDing when conversation has been focused on a couple of slots this day. It feels like we always take a scummy person right to the door, but then we jump inside and don't ever take a lynch fully home.
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