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Like I said before, I thought his thread play was pretty weak. D2 he spent more time giving excuses around the typo and didn't really say much other than that; no game solving or effort. Thought when he finally did claim, it didn't make a whole lot of sense given the flavor. Cal was put in a situation that he knew would be an issue for town to resolve and he delayed info and made himself look more wolfy for no reason.
did you follow my intent EoD? read back

but i do believe it proved beneficial, whether or not you want to believe i was simply forcing a tie because of TMI or trying to eliminate future discussion on the potential for vote manip
i felt it was a no brained, but the topic of vote manip could be beneficial toward scum as a topic to confuse and derail from suspects the following day or however long they'd want to stretch the diversion of it

so my question is, what other diversions should we role out that can be taken advantage of? if there aren't any, who are your strongest suspects on both wagons?
how many do you think bussed TAC, and how many players do you think were on cal's wagon from desperation as a latecomer and instructed to do so?

i gathered scum got rather confident for cal's lynch, and it was inevitable. do inactives make the majority of the scum team? or do you believe many are controlling the thread?
@CakeWalker i noticed a pattern between four players. i won't name them, and i am going to ignore you pinging me a couple of times (i can go into further detail and we can break it down)
i see you're a tinfoiler

i think maybe (this can also be abused so i want a one on one with you, ignore outside spectators giving input until we talk) your theory might have credibility, especially with it being forcefully shut down. i don't want to clog the thread with this particular conspiracy and assume you may be correct which is why i want to pretend, between us two, were the only ones in the thread

what led you to your conclusion that we may be dealing with scum that have to search for each other, with an eventual merge?
Because he claimed invest and refill. Town already has an invest in flowa. And refill on top of that seems op.

He said he invested Nat and she passed.

Flowa said tac and Nat vouched for each other as scum in a past game.

His claims were less believable to me than Cal.
Did you actually believe Tac was an invest, though? It was said by a few players that he pulls that kind of stuff with Nat specifically. Why are two town invests pingy to you? Looks like we might have a bunch of one or two shots of abilities this game.
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