Kizaru character depth?
who knows, in the coming chapters, he might even come up with yet another 'politically correct' reason to try to avoid attacking the vegapunk+SHs alliance. when all the reasons fail to prevent the worst, he will put himself on the line for his friends. kizaru is not a moralfag. he's not like garp who let an innocent man be executed bEcAuSe hE wAs a PiRaTe. he's not like akainu, either: sentomaru and vegapunk's righteousness doesn't really matter to him (for example, he doesn't say that vegapunk was *wrong* to research the void century - just that it was a *stupid* thing to do) - what matters to him is that they're his friends. if the friendship was of secondary importance, kizaru wouldn't be bringing it up. the fact that he did is the chekhov's gun that must be fired.