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Well for starters, he claimed Healer and since we already have a Poisoner here in the Mafia side, it's probably a guaranteed/unique role and he wasn't CC'd.
Even though his reads & gamesolving attempts feel iffy, i'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt as a Town.

What happened to your Muugen scum-read?
Can you drop a rainbow's list/reads on every player in the game?

I'd like to know your positions.
MUUGEN is pushing for this saka lynch and had him as scum earlier can you not see why i would be aprehensive to join a lynch he started?


The Rogue Prince
MUUGEN is pushing for this saka lynch and had him as scum earlier can you not see why i would be aprehensive to join a lynch he started?
I'm not asking you to vote SakazOuki.

I'm asking you to explain how your read of Muugen progressed so far.

Before his claim - you had him as scum.
What do you think of him, now?

And i'd like your thoughts on the other players in the game too.
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