One Piece Chapter 1090: "Admiral Kizaru"

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This one made me really happy, the way how Kizaru stands for his ideals and justice, even not hold back to show his ideals in front of the Gorosei, finally a good moment which separat Kizaru from the usually navy members who wouldn't even dare to talk back to a Gorosei.

Kizaru hype will increase a lot the next chapters. CoC or even adv CoC with a insane awakening power, can't wait to see him in action.

This one made me really happy, the way how Kizaru stands for his ideals and justice, even not hold back to show his ideals in front of the Gorosei, finally a good moment which separat Kizaru from the usually navy members who wouldn't even dare to talk back to a Gorosei.

Kizaru hype will increase a lot the next chapters. CoC or even adv CoC with a insane awakening power, can't wait to see him in action.
Don't know if he'll have CoC (he doesn't seem to be that type of guy sadly) but Logia Awakening is practically confirmed for him
By Saturn's statement, I wonder if they are alien or if he consider himself and the Gorosei as Gods/higher being.

There is a possibility that Bonney is not Devon unless Devon can read minds or knows that Bonneys like pizza.

Devon and Lafitte could have been able to get inside through Caribou
Good chapter, I like Lucci being a sneaky snake leaking info behind everyone, he was just annoying to me because he was doing nothing. Also I like a lot of things in this chapter besides that.

Also people are overreacting to Luffy's shock at the end of the chapter. This was also his reaction to Lucci

And the result was this

I understand that people might think he is scared because of the shading, but the reason of the shading being like that is actually normal because there is light coming from below as it's stated in the same page
Good chapter, I like Lucci being a sneaky snake leaking info behind everyone and a lot of things in this chapter besides that.

Also people are overreacting to Luffy's shock at the end of the chapter. This was also his reaction to Lucci

And the result was this

I understand that people might think he is scared because of the shading, but the reason of the shading being like that is actually normal because there is light coming from below as it's stated in the same page
It's not just the reaction, it's the reaction + the dialogue.

If Luffy said "light guy!" it would be like the Lucci moment, but "a very strong person!" is clearly more hype.
Good chapter, I like Lucci being a sneaky snake leaking info behind everyone and a lot of things in this chapter besides that.

Also people are overreacting to Luffy's shock at the end of the chapter. This was also his reaction to Lucci

And the result was this

I understand that people might think he is scared because of the shading, but the reason of the shading being like that is actually normal because there is light coming from below as it's stated in the same page
Comparing shock from seeing an old foe to shitting yourself from sensing someone is stupid