I already know the anti Zoro/Admiral gang answer tbh (Fraudbull=Posthawk etc) so i'm curious about the swordfans opinion here.
If Aramaki was able to create his own blackblade do you think it will undermine Mihawk ?
Will it make the blackblades less special ?
Will it elevate Aramaki even higher ?
@mly90 @ConquistadoR @nik87 @HA001 OF THE RAIN @GUI @EmperorKinyagi @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Elder Lee Hung @Cinera etc
If Aramaki was able to create his own blackblade do you think it will undermine Mihawk ?
Will it make the blackblades less special ?
Will it elevate Aramaki even higher ?
@mly90 @ConquistadoR @nik87 @HA001 OF THE RAIN @GUI @EmperorKinyagi @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Elder Lee Hung @Cinera etc