It also says Kizaru cannot resist his restraint.

海軍大将の覇気をも上回るのか。“自然系”能力を持つ黄猿でさえ、彼の牽制には抗えず。 Even a logia user like Kizaru can’t resist his restraint. Is he above even an admiral’s Haki?

From etenboby. What does "can't resist his restraint" mean?
no I think that the admiral doesnt have the haki to restraint it. But the haki should be on the same level so ben=admiral
It also says Kizaru cannot resist his restraint.

海軍大将の覇気をも上回るのか。“自然系”能力を持つ黄猿でさえ、彼の牽制には抗えず。 Even a logia user like Kizaru can’t resist his restraint. Is he above even an admiral’s Haki?

From etenboby. What does "can't resist his restraint" mean?
It means that Beckman’s haki is so strong that an admiral can’t ignore him.

You already saw this with him holding Kizaru at gun point.

But nothing there implies Beckman > Kizaru unless you ignore context and lie.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Luffy will do some damage to Kizaru if they fight.

But, if it's a pure 1v1, once Luffy runs out of Gear 4 or 5, Kizaru will stomp him. So, the question then is, can Luffy beat Kizaru by wearing him down in Base w G2 and G3, and then using G5, or, will Luffy be unable to keep up with Kizaru without G4 or G5?

Vegapunk knows Kizaru well, and has studied his Fruit, so Luffy might have some help here.

Luffy isn't ready to win a 1v1 against a top tier with no help whatsoever.

His strongest forms having short timers and brutal cooldowns just hurts his endurance in ways he can't make up for yet.

Luffy needs to learn better Haki control (most likely from good ole Shanks).

If Luffy ends up in a 1v1 with Kizaru, he will need to be rescued, by either Zoro or Sanji, or both, IMO.


And then this guy does... something...
It also says Kizaru cannot resist his restraint.

海軍大将の覇気をも上回るのか。“自然系”能力を持つ黄猿でさえ、彼の牽制には抗えず。 Even a logia user like Kizaru can’t resist his restraint. Is he above even an admiral’s Haki?

From etenboby. What does "can't resist his restraint" mean?
It means that Beckman has a firm handshake.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Would you be surprised if I told you that I acknowledge the possibility that Kizaru might one shot Luffy, even if I also said that Luffy might one shot Kizaru?
I would certainly respect you more, but even I don’t think Kizaru would one shot Luffy lol. I don’t even think it’s a possibility and I don’t know any Admiral fans who do.

I would consider the possibility of Kizaru one shotting Luffy even more absurd than the possibility of the opposite, just because I don’t think Oda is going to draw Luffy getting one shot anymore lmfao. Defeated? Sure maybe but not one shot I don’t think.

However, you only have 1 opinion in mind (yours) and you are not willing to accept anything as serious but your opinion. Then, you tell me that admiral fans are the best at discussing?
Strange, because I haven’t even offered my opinion to you so I don’t know you would think I only have one opinion or consider one option lmfao.
Flip the page man, Kizaru proceeded to ignore Beck and attack Luffy.

Yes and everyone who posts this ignores that Kizaru had a sure shot at Luffy when the submarine was above the water.

Beckman aims. Kizaru puts his hands up and it's enough time for Law to submerge.

Kizaru then attacks when he realizes Beckman isn't there to fight.
At first I was in shock that you misread my comment this hard, and then I remembered that you are a Goofy fan so obviously reading comprehension is a weak point of yours lol.

I was saying Admiral fans are, as a group, willing to discuss the manga more than most other fandoms. Not that Admiral fans want to gossip about fanbases like little girls lol.
Let's analyze the sentence in question:
"Admiral fans are the most articulate and willing to discuss fans on the site"

I hardly misunderstood or misinterpreted this sentence, unless (and what follows now is merely an uninformed assumption of mine) you decided to use the incomplete clause "willing to discuss" akin to an adjective.
As much as I hate to correct your writing, Lee, this grammatically incorrect semantic construction makes it impossible for anybody who expects flawless grammar to correctly interpret your intentions as expressed in your statement.
What further takes me aback is your unwillingness to respond to the other parts of this post of mine that you quoted.
It's telling me that you are not interested in having fruitful discussions and conversations with your fellow users, instead resorting to personal attacks, judging my person based on my taste in fictional characters.

Please do learn more on how to converse with your fellow human beings properly!
I would certainly respect you more, but even I don’t think Kizaru would one shot Luffy lol. I don’t even think it’s a possibility and I don’t know any Admiral fans who do.

I would consider the possibility of Kizaru one shotting Luffy even more absurd than the possibility of the opposite, just because I don’t think Oda is going to draw Luffy getting one shot anymore lmfao. Defeated? Sure maybe but not one shot I don’t think.
I do in fact consider it as a possibility, even if I spend my time bringing up the other one.

I also consider the possibility that Luffy and Kizaru clash but nobody wins.

I agree with you that it is unlikely that Oda draws Luffy getting one shot but it's still a possible scenario in my eyes.

Strange, because I haven’t even offered my opinion to you so I don’t know you would think I only have one opinion or consider one option lmfao.
You don't consider the one I brought up as even a "non stupid" opinion though.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
As much as I hate to correct your writing, Lee, this grammatically incorrect semantic construction makes it impossible for anybody who expects flawless grammar to correctly interpret your intentions as expressed in your statement.
The sentence was actually perfectly correct and it was your initial reading that was wrong but disregarding that,

I don’t expect flawless grammar but read three Tejas posts and tell me you came out of it with all your brain cells in tact lol.

What further takes me aback is your unwillingness to respond to the other parts of this post of mine that you quoted.
What makes you think your entire post deserved a response? @Kurozumi Wiwi is like freaking trilingual at this point and none of his posts are as grammatically incoherent as your average Yonko fan lol.

It's telling me that you are not interested in having fruitful discussions and conversations with your fellow users, instead resorting to personal attacks, judging my person based on my taste in fictional characters.
When did I attach your character lmfao? Because I called you a Luffy fan?